Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

Phishbait Invokes Russia's Ministry of Internal Affairs (Road Safety Division)

A phishing campaign impersonating WhatsApp has targeted more than 27,000 mailboxes, according to researchers at Armorblox. It’s not clear who the attackers were, but they used an old ...
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“Human Error” Ranked as the Top Cybersecurity Threat While Budgets Remain Misaligned

New insights into the state of data security show a clear focus on the weakest part of your security stance – your users – and organizations doing little to address it.
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Multi-Million Dollar Scam Call Center Shut Down by Multinational Police Efforts

Last month, Latvian and Lithuanian police – in conjunction with Europol – coordinated a raid on 3 call centers responsible for an international effort to defraud victims worldwide.
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Mailchimp Phishing Attack Results in Potential Hit on 100K Trezor Crypto Wallets

Stolen client data from Mailchimp put customers of the cryptocurrency hardware wallets on notice of potential social engineering attacks claiming to be Trezor.
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“Europol Calling” (Not Necessarily)

Scammers are impersonating Europol with fraudulent phone calls in an attempt to steal personal and financial information, according to Kristina Ohr at Avast. The German Federal Criminal ...
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Microsoft Warns of Lapsus$ “Targeting Organizations for Data Exfiltration and Destruction”

The group behind the recent attacks on Okta, NVIDIA, and Microsoft may be moving on to less-prominent organizations, using their data destruction extortion model on new victims.
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Info Stealer Malware Vidar Uses Microsoft Help Files to Launch Attacks

It appears that the use of Microsoft CHM files is gaining popularity, and from the way this latest attack works, it’s a rather ingenious and flexible method that could become more ...
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Ransomware Victims See Ransom Demands and Payments Increase as The Number of Published Data Victims Spikes

Cybercriminals Groups and “as a Service” threat actor affiliates alike seem to be doing well, according to a new report on the state of ransomware from Palo Alto Networks’ Unit42.
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Social Engineering from Tehran

Social engineering continues to be a core component of the Iranian government’s hacking operations, according to researchers at Recorded Future.
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CyberheistNews Vol 12 #14 [EYE OPENER] A Lack of Employee Cyber Hygiene is the Next Big Threat

[EYE OPENER] A Lack of Employee Cyber Hygiene is the Next Big Threat Email not displaying? | View Knowbe4 Blog CyberheistNews Vol 12 #14 | Apr. 5th., 2022 [EYE OPENER] A Lack of Employee ...
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Social Engineering by "Emergency Data Request"

Bloomberg has reported that forged "Emergency Data Requests" last year induced Apple and Meta to surrender "basic subscriber details, such as a customer’s address, phone number and IP ...
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Your KnowBe4 Fresh Content Updates from March 2022

Check out the 74 new pieces of training content added in March, alongside the always fresh content update highlights and new features.
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Simple Facebook Phishing Scam Takes an Unexpected Turn to Throw Potential Victims Off the Scent

Rather than take the usual path of sending an email and linking to a spoofed logon page, this attack takes a different set of actions that at first make no sense but may actually be ...
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Cisco: Web 3.0 Will be the Next Frontier for Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks

A look at what makes up Web 3.0 and how it may be used includes insight into what kinds of cyberattacks may plague it, as cybercriminals look for new profitable opportunities.
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Cost of Internet Crimes in 2021 Increase 64% Exceeding $6.9 Billion

New data from the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) shows a massive increase in the cost of internet crimes, with phishing and BEC topping the list.
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Obvious Phishbait, But Someone Will Bite

A widespread phishing scam is circulating in Facebook Messenger, according to Jeff Parsons at Metro. The phishing messages simply contain the words, “Look what I found,” along with a ...
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FBI Warns of Phishing Attacks Targeting Election Officials

The FBI has issued a Private Industry Notification warning of phishing emails designed to steal login credentials from election officials. The Bureau believes these attacks will increase ...
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A Lack of Employee Cyber Hygiene is the Next Big Threat

A new report suggests that everything from endpoints, to passwords, to training, to security policies, to a lack of awareness is all contributing to much higher risk of cyberattack.
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Ransomware Attack Volume Increases by 18% As the Number of Variants Jumps to 34 in Only One Quarter

A new report reviewing ransomware activity in 2021 shows an impressive uptick in the number of targeted attacks in Q4 of 2021 to 772 as more players join (or rejoin) the game.
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Mobile Device Usage Have Led to Security Incidents in Nearly Half of Organizations

The shift in devices used by today’s workforce has resulted in increases in cybersecurity concerns and incidents, despite a majority of orgs with defined BYOD programs in place.
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