Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

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CyberheistNews Vol 12 #13 [Heads Up] Published Zelenskyy Deepfake Video Demonstrates the Modern War is Online

[Heads Up] Published Zelenskyy Deepfake Video Demonstrates the Modern War is Online Email not displaying? | View Knowbe4 Blog CyberheistNews Vol 12 #13 | Mar. 29th., 2022 [Heads Up] ...
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Email Conversation Hacking to Distribute Malware

Researchers at Intezer warn that attackers are hijacking email conversations to distribute the IcedID banking Trojan. This technique makes the phishing emails appear more legitimate and ...
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KnowBe4 and Okta Update

To start off, we do not use Okta in any of our products.
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Buy Now, Pay Later Scams

Fraudsters are taking advantage of the buy-now, pay-later (BNPL) payment model, according to Jim Ducharme, COO of Outseer. On the CyberWire’s Hacking Humans podcast, Ducharme explained ...
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WIRED: "A Mysterious Satellite Hack Has Victims Far Beyond Ukraine"

WIRED wrote: "More than 22,000 miles above Earth, the KA-SAT is locked in orbit. Traveling at 7,000 miles per hour, in sync with the planet’s rotation, the satellite beams high-speed ...
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Fidelity: "Why cybersecurity is material to all industries"

Fidelity just published an article titled "Cybersecurity: A growing risk". They note that the threat of Russian cyberattacks highlights vulnerabilities across industries. I'm quoting a ...
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Repertoire of Ukraine Charity Phishing Scams

Scammers continue to exploit the crisis in Ukraine, according to researchers at Bitdefender. Over the past week, the researchers believe the fraudsters have adjusted their tactics in ...
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Initial Access Broker Group Relies on Social Engineering

Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) describes a cybercriminal group it calls “EXOTIC LILY” that acts as an initial access broker for numerous financially motivated threat actors, ...
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Number of Phishing Attacks Hits an All-Time High in 2021, Tripling That of Early 2020

New data from the Anti-Phishing Working Group shows cybercriminals are stepping on the gas, focusing phishing attacks on credential theft and response-based scams.
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Phishing Attack-Turned-Wire Fraud Case Sees a Win for the Policyholder

In an unusual turn of events, a recent court decision sided with the policyholder, despite specific policy language that probably should have favored the insurer.
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QakBot Banking Trojan Evolves and Now Takes Over Email Conversations to Spread Malware

As if stealing all your credentials, cookies, and email wasn’t bad enough, this new version of QakBot inserts itself into your emails, impersonating you to gain access to more victims.
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Phishing Scam with Fraudulent Invoice Costs City of Fresno Over $600,000

This simple invoice scam appears to be a part of a much broader campaign targeting municipalities, posing as existing subcontractors.
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Exploiting Trust in reCAPTCHA

Researchers at Avanan warn that attackers are using reCAPTCHAs on their phishing sites to avoid detection by security scanners.
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Published Zelenskyy Deepfake Video Demonstrates the Modern War is Online

The video uploaded to a hacked Ukrainian news website shows how far the technology has come, how it can be used in social engineering, as well as how the tech still needs to improve.
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SMBs Are 350% More Likely to Experience Social Engineering Attacks Via Phishing

New data shows phishing, social engineering, and impersonation dominate as cybercriminals are becoming more frequent and successful with their attacks.
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CyberheistNews Vol 12 #12 [New White House Alert] Train Your Users Against Threat of Russian Cyberattacks

[New White House Alert] Train Your Users Against Threat of Russian Cyberattacks Email not displaying? | View Knowbe4 Blog CyberheistNews Vol 12 #12 | Mar. 22nd., 2022 [New White House ...
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[BREAKING] White House warns Russia is prepping possible cyberattacks against US

With the recent cyber-attacks between Russia and Ukraine and the current intelligence coming from the US Government, organizations want to shore up their defenses to reduce the risk of a ...
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Chameleons Phish, Too

One of the challenges cyber criminals face is that their scams often have a relatively short shelf-life. Once they’ve been used, the gaff is quickly blown, and the scammers hope to ...
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[Heads Up] New Evil Ransomware Feature: Disk Wiper if You Don't Pay

There is a new ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) strain called LokiLocker, researchers at Blackberry warn. The malware uses rare code obfuscation and includes a file wiper component that ...
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KnowBe4 Named a Leader in The Forrester Wave for Security Awareness and Training Solutions

We’re thrilled to announce that KnowBe4 has been named a Leader in The Forrester WaveTM : Security Awareness and Training Solutions, Q1 2022 report based on our current offering, strategy ...
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