Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

[On-Demand Webinar] Cybercrime-as-a-Service: Its Evolution and What You Can Do to Fight Back

The cybercrime market has skyrocketed in a frightening way. With threats such as ransomware to Business Email Compromise (BEC), the stakes are higher than ever for organizations across ...
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Social Engineering through Contact Form

Email is the familiar form of phishing, but there’s an ongoing criminal campaign that follows a different, arguably subtler avenue of approach: the corporate contact form. Abnormal ...
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Email-Based Vishing Attacks Skyrocket 554% as Phishing, Social Media, and Malware Attacks Are All on the Rise

A new analysis of attacks in 2021 shows massive increases across the board, painting a very concerning picture for 2022 cyberattacks of all types.
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“Warm Greetings” (or not) : Saudi Aramco Impersonation

Researchers at Malwarebytes warn of a phishing campaign that’s targeting the oil and gas industry by impersonating Saudi Aramco.
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Phishing and Scam Pages Increase by 153% as Cybercriminals Seek to Establish Credibility

As part of either impersonating known brands or simply leveraging credible cloud services, the use of a web page as part of an attack has become a staple for threat actors.
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Passwords are Reused 64% of the Time as the Number of Passwords to Remember Reaches Over 100

New data focusing on user cyber hygiene around password use shows users are repeatedly reusing passwords across multiple applications and environments, despite the rise in breaches.
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KnowBe4's Position On Recent Russian Aggression

The unprovoked attack on the Ukrainian people, and subsequent humanitarian crisis it has caused, is an unacceptable act of aggression by the Russian state. While we do not currently ...
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Up and To the Right: Ransomware Attacks Grow by 105% in 2021

New data from Sonicwall shows the numbers of nearly every type of attack growing in 2021, with concerns by organizations about attacks and their aftermath at an all-time high.
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83% of all Successful Ransomware Attacks Featured Double and Triple Extortion

With 2021 being the “testing ground” for ransomware extortion, 2022 is showing signs of ransomware gangs settling in on proven extortion tactics to ensure payment.
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Social Engineering a Major Factor in Cyberattack on Camera Maker Axis Communications

As details of the February attack continue to be divulged, it becomes evident that cybercriminals were able to get past both users and security controls.
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Domains Associated with Phishing Directed Against Ukraine

Researchers from Secureworks’ Counter Threat Unit (CTU) are tracking phishing domains used by the “MOONSCAPE” threat actor to target users in Ukraine. The researchers note that Ukraine’s ...
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Phishing Impersonation and Attack Trends in 2021

Facebook overtook Microsoft as the most impersonated brand in phishing attacks last year, according to a new report from Vade Secure.
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CyberheistNews Vol 12 #10 [Heads Up] A New Phishing Attack Warns About A Suspicious Russian Login

[Heads Up] A New Phishing Attack Warns About A Suspicious Russian Login Email not displaying? | View Knowbe4 Blog CyberheistNews Vol 12 #10 | Mar. 8th., 2022 [Heads Up] A New Phishing ...
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[World Premiere] KnowBe4’s New Season 4 of Netflix-Style Security Awareness Video Series - ‘The Inside Man’

We’re thrilled to announce the long-awaited fourth season of the award-winning KnowBe4 Original Series - ‘The Inside Man’ is now available in the KnowBe4 ModStore!
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FBI: Ransomware gang breached 52 US critical infrastructure orgs

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says the Ragnar Locker ransomware gang has breached the networks of at least 52 organizations from multiple US critical infrastructure sectors.
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By the Way, There's No Draft - Smishing Campaign Alert

Scammers are sending phony text messages (aka Smishing or SMS Phishing) informing people in the US that they’ve been drafted by the US Army, according to Army Times.
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Log4j - Kevin Mitnick Explains One of the Most Serious Vulnerabilities in the Last Decade

The Log4j vulnerability caused widespread panic for IT professionals when it was uncovered. Sleepless nights followed for many. But a shortage of time and manpower has left this ...
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Phishing Attacks Impersonating LinkedIn are up 232% in the Last Month Alone!

During the period the world has dubbed “the great resignation”, phishing scammers are shifting tactics to take advantage of those looking for a new career or place of employment.
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FBI: Scammers Take Business Email Compromise Attacks to Virtual Meeting Platforms

In a new twist on an old scam, BEC attacks switch from email to a virtual meeting where social engineering tactics are used to further establish credibility and increase the likelihood of ...
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CISA: 2021 Cyberattack Trends Indicate Increases in Global Ransomware Attacks

New advisory sees critical infrastructure once again in the crosshairs and makes critical recommendations to both protect against ransomware and to reduce its’ impact.
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