Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

[Heads-up] North Korean Ransomware Attack Disrupts Major U.S. News Media

It was all over the news. A server outage at a major newspaper publishing company on Saturday that prevented the distribution of many leading U.S. newspapers, including the Wall Street ...
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2018: The Year of the Data Breach Tsunami [INFOGRAPHIC]

Our friends at Malwarebytes wrote: "It’s tough to remember all of the data breaches that happened in 2018. But when you look at the largest and most impactful ones that were reported ...
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Malicious Business Email Campaign Uses Google Cloud Storage to Target Banks and Financial Services Companies

Researchers at Menlo Labs have spotted and tracked a new campaign aimed at tricking employees of US and UK financial firms and banks into downloading Houdini Malware.
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KnowBe4 Fresh Content Update & New Features December 2018

Here's a few important updates to share with you for the month of December!
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Is Anyone in Charge of Information Security? Krebs Finds a Lack of Leadership Mentioned in 100 Largest Companies in the World

If there’s anyone who is close to the pulse of security, it’s Brian Krebs. In one of his recent articles, he discusses how organizations discuss how very important information security ...
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New Clickbait Warning: "Captain America Star Hayley Atwell Nude Photos Hacked"

And another one... will these stars ever learn? We suggest you send a simulated phishing attack to inoculate your users. There is a new template available in our Controversial/NSFW ...
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Iranian Hacker Group Beats 2FA with New Phishing Campaign Targeting Google Users

A new phishing attack method shows that even the mighty two-factor authentication can be beaten without needing to possess a user’s mobile device.
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The IRS Warns of a 60% Increase in Phishing Attacks Targeting Tax Professionals

As part of National Tax Security Awareness Week this month, the IRS notes a surge in phishing scams aimed at stealing money or tax-related data.
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Real Estate Transactions are Increasingly Vulnerable to CEO Fraud

The real estate industry is a particularly attractive target for BEC (Business Email Compromise—also known as CEO Fraud—attacks, according to FBI spokesman David Fitz. Fitz told The ...
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Gartner's Neil Wynne: "Email Phishing is a Growing Threat"

Email phishing is a top threat to organizations because it works so well, according to Neil Wynne, principal and analyst for secure business enablement at Gartner. Wynne told Stephanie ...
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93% of Phishing Sites Leverage Encryption to Establish Credibility and Improve Attack Success

The site safety and credibility represented by the green padlock in your browser is being taken advantage of by cybercriminals looking to lull users into a false sense of security.
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APWG: Phishing Remains a Constant and Effective Means of Attack

The latest report from the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) highlights the prevalence of phishing and how it’s changing to remain an effective attack method.
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How Wellcome Trust Executives Got Whaled By Oldest Trick In The Phishing Playbook

Forbes contributor Davey Winder wrote an excellent comment: "It hasn't been the greatest week for the non-profit sector with the revelation that two well-known charities have fallen ...
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New Deloitte Threat Study Shows The Fantastic ROI of Cyber Crime Operations

Deloitte estimates that some common criminal businesses can be operated for as little as $34 month and could return $25,000, while others may routinely require nearly $3,800 a month and ...
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UK Companies Cite a Lack of Cybersecurity Support from the Government

With cyberattacks occurring at such a regular frequency, UK organizations are desiring for the government to provide guidance and support on how to prepare for and address attacks.
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Organizations Managing Critical Infrastructure Face a New Global Phishing Attack

According to McAfee’s Advanced Threat Research team and McAfee Labs Malware Operations Group, a new global campaign is underway, targeting key industries, potentially for espionage ...
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Scumbag hackers lift $1m from children's charity

The Register reported on some scumbag criminals that stole a million bucks from a charity. The editors got very upset with these criminals and freely spoke their mind. The resulting copy ...
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