Here's a few important updates to share with you for the month of January!
Your users can get a fresh new learner experience with the revamped end-user interface - making learning fun and engaging.

With the optional customization features to enable gamification, your users can compete against their peers on leaderboards and earn badges while learning how to keep your organization safe from cyber attacks.
Check out the Learner Experience Guide to see what's new!
New video tutorials on the end-user experience along with how to enable gamification in the KnowBe4 console are available. Learn more about the learning benefits of incorporating gamification into your training campaigns here:
To learn more about the KnowBe4 platform, request your demo now!
Request A Demo
In case you missed it in December, we released PhishER, a new product that’s a huge time-saver for your Incident Response team. It's surprisingly affordable.
PhishER helps you with two things:
- Cut through the Incident Response inbox noise from user-reported emails and respond to the most dangerous threats more quickly
- Quickly process the emails that were reported as suspicious but are actually legitimate and need to be handled by that employee
Product Demo Webinar
Take 30 minutes and watch the new product demo. See how much time you can save every day:
Check out the no-charge Phish Alert Button mentioned in the webinar...
Do your users know what to do when they receive a suspicious email? Should they call the help desk, or forward it? Should they forward to IT including all headers? Delete and not report it, forfeiting a possible early warning?
KnowBe4’s no-charge—yes, you read that right—Phish Alert button gives your users a safe way to forward email threats to the security team for analysis and deletes the email from the user's inbox to prevent future exposure. All with just one click!
Give Your Employees a Safe Way to Report Phishing Attacks with One Click
Get Your Phish Alert Button
Don't like to click on redirected URLs? Cut & paste this link into your browser:
KnowBe4’s Password Exposure Test (PET) is a brand-new and complimentary IT security tool that allows you to run an in-depth analysis of your organization’s hidden exposure risk associated with your users.
PET makes it easy for you to identify users with exposed emails publicly available on the web, and checks your Active Directory to see if they are using weak or compromised passwords that are part of a known data breach. PET then reports on any user accounts affected so you can take action immediately!
With Password Exposure Test you can:
- Search and identify any of your users with exposed emails, account information, or passwords available on the web
- Quickly isolate password security vulnerabilities and easily identify high risk passwords being reused within your organization
- Generate a detailed report on user accounts affected. You can download the summary report as a PDF or Excel file directly within the tool
Get your results in a few minutes! You are probably not going to like what you see.
Don't like to click on redirected URLs? Cut & paste this link into your browser:
It's been a busy month for the KnowBe4 content development team. A total of 17 new pieces of training content that include a variety of videos, training modules, and posters are now available.
Ten new pieces of content have been added to the comic book style animated series: Captain Awareness. 6 video modules, 1 training module, and 3 new posters are included that cover internet safety, phishing, social engineering, and more.

A new training module was added to the Criminal Justice Information Services Security Series (CJIS): Level 4 Training.
CJIS Level 4 security training supplements the Level 1, 2 and 3 courses for any one who holds an Information Technology role (system, network or security administrator). It's designed to satisfy the FBI/CJIS requirement for employee training to understand the role of a Level 4 worker in protecting CJI.
KnowBe4 Pretexting - Two-Factor Authentication Attack
In this video module Kevin Mitnick (world renowned security consultant, public speaker and author) and Rachel Tobac (social engineer and the CEO / Co-founder of SocialProof Security) role play a social engineering attack using pretexting. Pretexting is a form of social engineering where the attacker lies to obtain restricted information. Kevin demonstrates and explains how an attacker can gain access to your organization's network by social engineering a user and getting them to divulge their two-factor authentication code.
2019 Common Threats
In this module Kevin Mitnick takes you behind the scenes and shows you three exploits, a USB attack, a spoofed login attack, and multi-step attack culminating in a malicious virtual meeting download. These are actual exploits that are demonstrated making things quite real as to how hackers hack humans.
Kevin Mitnick - Two-Factor Authentication Attack
In this video module, Kevin Mitnick demonstrates how having 2-factor authentication set up can still leave you vulnerable to a phishing attack if you don't stop, look, and think before taking action on a phishing link.
All KnowBe4 training content highlighted in this month's update is available across Gold, Platinum, and Diamond subscription levels.
The Security Awareness Company (SAC)With the SAC January Newsletter, kick the year off with a comprehensive overview of how to prioritize security awareness in your life, both personally and professionally. This guide digs into the specifics of what it means to be a strong human firewall, and why we place so much value on things like strong password practices and following policy.
Three new SAC training modules were added this month that cover privileged access, password security and security awareness for new hires.
Also, three new Security One Sheets were added:
- Business Email Compromise (BEC) What Is IT
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) North American Electric Regulatory Commission (NERC) Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
- OWASP Top 10
And, a poster, game, and Activity Book:
- Internet of Things: Update Software
- Password Zapper Game
- Security Cat's Super Awesome Activity Book
All Security Awareness Company content is available at the Diamond subscription level.
Popcorn Training
An activity book for kids was added to the Popcorn Training content. The book titled, Epic Cyber Hero Handbook, teaches children basic cyber security terms with loads of fun activities!
All Popcorn Training content is available at the Diamond subscription level.
We are excited to welcome a new content publisher to the KnowBe4 ModStore! Syntrio is a leading provider of online compliance training, specializing in workplace training courses, online ethics training, code of conduct training, workplace harassment courses, employment discrimination training, and other compliance training across all industries.

This month, the first 8 training modules in a series of 25 modules have been added to the Modstore. Courses include:
- Avoiding Insider Trading Risk
- CA Workplace Harassment Prevention for Managers
- Disability Discrimination and Accommodation
- Employee Privacy: Balancing a Managers Right to Know
- Ethics and Code of Conduct
- Global Anti-Corruption
- Understanding the Family and Medical Leave Act
- Valuing Diversity
Want access to the most comprehensive security awareness training content? With a Diamond subscription, see how much is available for your training needs!
As of January 31, 2019, KnowBe4 has:
- 796 pieces of education and training content
- 198 Interactive Training Modules
- 157 Video Modules
- 269 Posters and Artwork
- 155 Newsletters and Security Docs
- 17 Games
- Over 2,700 phishing templates
To see the full list of new content added this month and an inside look into the KnowBe4 platform, sign up for the Modstore Training Preview now!