Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

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Scam Of The Week: "When Users Add Their Names to a Wall of Shame"

Eric Howes, KnowBe4 Principal Lab Researcher, found out about another insidious bad guy trick: "If you work in IT there has undoubtedly come a dark moment when you wondered to yourself ...
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Your Boss NEEDS To Read This WSJ Article About Our Power Grid And How The Russians Hacked It With Phishing

In a Jan 10, 2019 article, the Wall Street Journal reconstructed the worst known hack into the USA's power grid revealing attacks on hundreds of small contractors.
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Email Security Gap Analysis: Survey Finds Phishing Is The No. 1 Attack That Worries IT Pros Most

There are a few companies that frequently report on so-called "email security gap analysis" numbers: Mimecast, Proofpoint and Cyren. They are all IT security companies that have email ...
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Finra punishes former Schwab broker for lying about role in $800,000 CEO Fraud scam

A former broker for Charles Schwab & Co.was fined $5,000 and suspended for 90 days by Finra for lying to Schwab about a CEO Fraud attack in which he wired nearly $800,000 to someone ...
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New Data Suggests that Negligent Employees May Be the Reason Data Breaches are So Successful

When it comes to root causes of data breaches, it’s not your firewall, your endpoint protection, your antivirus, nor your patching that’s failing you; it’s your employees.
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Banking Cyber Heists Celebrate Their 25th Birthday!

2019 marks the 25th anniversary of the very first cyber-heist, netting one of the first cybercriminals $10 million from Citibank. The tactics have changed, but the target hasn’t.
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Lowlife Scammers exploit Sick Children in Latest Ransomware Attack

The outrageous attack combination of ransomware, claims to donate to charity, and even details of children’s names, diagnoses, and pictures proves there is no low cybercriminals won’t go ...
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Ohio’s New Data Security Law Seeks to Minimize the Risk of Data Breach Impacting Insurers and Their Customers

Following in the footsteps of North Carolina, the new Ohio law looks to regulate the cybersecurity practices, reporting, and notifications of its insurance industry.
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It Only Takes 1 Phish: “Unremarkable” Phishing Attack Results in a Breach in the European Union’s Diplomatic Communications Network

A three-year-long cyber-attack led to the successful breach of the all communications between all EU member states, putting countries and their futures at risk.
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The Dark Overlord Ransoms 9/11 Files Showing How Law Firms Can be at Risk of Data Breach

The actions by the cybercriminal organization The Dark Overlord demonstrate how law firms need to take data security and cyber readiness seriously.
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[Heads-up] Double Trouble: Ransomware And File Thief Combined In Nasty Hybrid Malware

A new malware attack has been detected in the wild. This nasty combines two known pieces of malware: the Vidar data harvesting malware followed by GandCrab ransomware.
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International Legal Tech Association: "KnowBe4 Is The Biggest Winner In Awareness Content"

The International Legal Technology Association is the premier peer-driven association for technologists in the legal field. The ILTA's most prestigious publication each year is their ...
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Phishing Kit Uses Custom Font Files to Decode Text

Researchers at Proofpoint discovered a phishing template that uses a unique method for encoding text using web fonts. The researchers found that the source code of the landing page ...
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KnowBe4’s Q4 2018 Year-Over-Year Sales Grow More Than 60%!

I'm excited to announce our incredible year-over-year Q4 2018 sales increase, growing more than 60% over Q4 2017's sales, breaking all records, and customer accounts now just under the ...
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Air Force Targets Their Own Staff with a “Threat Emulation” to Understand Their Cyber Awareness and Readiness

The U.S. Air Force’s Cyber division used spear-phishing tactics to test whether airmen can proficiently recognize and avoid email-based attacks.
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Judge Calls for County Officials to Resign After Falling Victim to a $500K CEO Fraud Scam

Months after a classic fraud scam took Galveston County for $525,000, County Judge Mark Henry is now asking for the County Auditor and Purchasing Agent to resign.
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Easy Hacker Targets: Bad Password, IoT Devices, and no 2FA. Let's Make It Harder In 2019!

Without proper security controls, compromising an IoT device is easy work for hackers, giving them access to potentially more than just the device. Let's make it harder for them in 2019!
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What Value Do Customers See In The KnowBe4 Platform?

Someone at Spiceworks asked: "I know there are discussions of Company Phishing Campaigns and Security Awareness Training, curious what everyone uses other than KnowBe4. I have been ...
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