Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

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CEOs Overwhelmingly Prioritize Cybersecurity Over Physical Security

The C-Suite is beginning to wake up to the reality that cybercrime poses the highest risk to the organization, requiring the greatest focus to truly protect the organization.
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Cyber Crime Refines Their Social Engineering Tactics

Attackers are improving their strategies by accounting for new developments in technology, Help Net Security reports. Researchers at FireEye analyzed 1.3 billion phishing emails and ...
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Enter Facebook's Libra, with Scammers in its Train

Within twenty-four hours of Facebook’s announcement of its new Libra cryptocurrency and Calibra digital wallet, more than three-hundred sites were registered with domain names associated ...
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Dridex Credential Stealer Returns With New Antivirus Evasion - Including Application Whitelisting

SCMag reported that a new strain of the notorious Dridex malware has been spotted using polymorphism antivirus evasion techniques in phishing emails. The Dridex credential-stealer that ...
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Brand-New Tool: Social Media Phishing Test Checks for Users Vulnerable to Social Media Related Attacks

Phishing is still the #1 threat action used in social engineering attacks, and spear phishing, in particular, takes advantage of your users’ socially networked lives.
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Instagram Vanity Makes for Vulnerability

Scammers are targeting Instagram users with phony offers to verify their accounts in order to receive Instagram’s blue checkmark, Threatpost reports. Researchers at Sucuri came across a ...
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New Malware Pretends to Be You by Matching Your Keystroke Characteristics

Cybersecurity researchers have developed a new keystroke impersonation attack that avoids being detected by keystroke-based biometric security solutions.
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Microsoft Kills Password Expiration Policy Recommendation with Latest Security Baseline for Windows 10

This change from Microsoft highlights the need for organizations to readdress the user-based insecurity of passwords caused by password expirations.
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KnowBe4 Fresh Content and Feature Updates - June 2019

Check out the content and feature updates in the KnowBe4 platform for the month of June!
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Which Of The Four Types of Social Engineering Is The Most Damaging?

Cybercriminals know that targeted social engineering attacks lead to the highest payoffs, so the frequency and sophistication of these attacks is guaranteed to increase, writes Jasmine ...
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1.5 Billion Gmail Calendar Users are the Target of a Crafty New Phishing Scam

Users of Google’s Calendar app are being warned about a scam that takes advantage of the popularity of the free service and its ability to schedule meetings easily.
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No, Mr. McAfee is Not Giving Away Money

Cryptocurrency giveaway scams are making a comeback, with fraudsters posing as John McAfee, Elon Musk, and the Tesla company, BleepingComputer reports.
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Chinese Hackers Infiltrate Global Telecom Networks With Spear Phishing

The WSJ revealed a brazen hack by Chinese state-sponsored bad actors who totally owned more than 10 global telecom networks, and had full admin access to their networks. They were able to ...
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"Elaborate" Identity Takeover Fraud Hits Australian Businesses

A new procurement scam has netted at least $1.5 million from Australian companies in New South Wales over the past few weeks, according to 10 daily. The scammers are posing as ...
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[NEW FEATURE] KnowBe4 User Event API Helps You Tailor Security Awareness Training Based on Custom User Risk Events

You already know the importance of frequent year-round simulated phishing attacks and security awareness training for your users to help you build a more resilient and secure ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 9 #26 [Heads-up] The U.S. Launched A Cyber Attack On Iran, And We're Expecting Spear Phishing Strike Backs

CyberheistNews Vol 9 #26 [Heads-up] The U.S. Launched A Cyber Attack On Iran, And We're Expecting Spear Phishing Strike Backs The tension in the Middle-East apparently prompted a ...
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Phishing Attacks Go Mobile as Cybercriminals Leverage Push Notifications

Taking advantage of the inherent trust in mobile content, the bad guys are using a mixture of phishing text messages and look-alike sites to trick users into giving up credentials.
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[Heads-up] The U.S. Launched A Cyber Attack On Iran, And We're Expecting Spear Phishing Strike Backs

The tension in the Middle-East apparently prompted a game-changing move by the U.S. President. Washington Post sources say exactly 10 years after Stuxnet, the President approved a ...
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UK Forensic Crime Labs Shut Down Due To Ransomware Attack

Every police force across England and Wales has been forced to prioritize evidence for forensic testing following a criminal cyber attack affecting one of the primary forensic service ...
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