Security Awareness Training Blog

Phishing Blog

Learn about current phishing techniques, notable campaigns and attacks, what to watch out for 'in the wild', and more.

Here are few Game of Thrones phishing scams you should know about and how to avoid them

With the Game of Thrones (GoT) Season 8 finally airing, bad guys are using a variety of social engineering tactics to trick your end-users.
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[Heads-up] A GA County School System Only Just Escaped A 2 Million Dollar Cyber Attack

Armor, a leading global cloud security solutions provider, read the news about a recent cyberattack, where hackers targeted the payroll department of the city of Tallahassee, FL and ...
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Over 80% of All Phishing Attacks Targeted U.S. Organizations

U.S. entities remained the most attractive targets of phishing attacks throughout 2018, with an estimated 84% of the total volume of millions of incidents analyzed during the last year by ...
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Phishing Attack Spoofs Email Security Firm

Ray Shultz at MediaPost's EmailINSIDER wrote about a nasty new way that the bad guys are trying to establish trust: spoofing the return path and received email headers of Barracuda in an ...
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Staff and Students Put School Districts at the Greatest Risk of Cyber Attack

Inadvertent sharing, phishing attacks, and ransomware top the list of attack vectors, with teachers, students, and vendors all contributing to the risk of breach.
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What's The Best Name? ThreadJacking or Man-in-the-Inbox Attacks?

We are seeing a new type of attack popping up more and more. Bad guys send a phishing attack and steal the credentials of your employee. But they stay under the radar and lurk for a while ...
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Ottawa City Treasurer sends $128,000 to fraudsters in email phishing scam

The treasurer of the city of Ottawa, Marian Simulik, fell for a business email compromise (BEC) scam and sent $100,000 to a scammer, the city’s auditor general revealed this week. Simulik ...
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[Heads-up] Survey Finds 82% Of You Are Impacted By Payment Fraud

Payment fraud continues to soar, as a record 82 percent of organizations reported incidents in 2018, according to the 2019 AFP Payments Fraud & Control Survey, underwritten by J.P. ...
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Organizations Face a 63% Likelihood of Being the Victim of Successful Cyberattack in Next 12 Months

The latest data from 1,200 IT organizations shows organizations seeing attacks as inevitable and, for some industries, successful compromise as even more a given.
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The Latest in Phishing Tackle

Phishing kits are using increasingly sophisticated techniques to avoid detection and make their scams more convincing, according to Prakhar Shrotriya at Zscaler.
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New Phishing Attacks Make 2FA Useless

These latest attacks are designed to proxy login requests that incorporate SMS-based authentication as a way to seamlessly bypass 2FA protection without being noticed.
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90 Percent Of Critical Infrastructure Hit By Cyberattacks

A new survey of professionals in industries using industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT) finds 90 percent of respondents say their environment has been damaged ...
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Scam of The Week: Realistic Phishing Attacks Take Advantage of U.S. Tax Season

With Tax Day only a few days away, cybercriminals are trying to take advantage of tax season through widespread phishing campaigns that aim to trick people into providing sensitive ...
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NCAA-themed Scams During Basketball Playoffs

Scammers are capitalizing on the hype for March Madness with a bevy of malicious streaming sites and phishing scams, according to Lindsey O’Donnell at Threatpost. Researchers at Zscaler ...
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Game of Thrones as Phishbait, with Hook

Game of Thrones is the top TV show used to deliver malware-infected pirated content, researchers at Kaspersky Lab have found. Threatpost says the researchers saw nearly 21,000 users ...
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Scaring People with GDPR

Criminals are taking advantage of misunderstandings surrounding the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to exploit gullible employees and organizations, according ...
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Free Tool: Phishing Reply Test Identifies Users Likely to Fall Victim to Fraudsters

Highly targeted phishing attacks, known as Business Email Compromise or CEO fraud scams have exceeded $12.5 billion in total known losses worldwide (according to the FBI). These social ...
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The Famous Fall Victim To Phishing, Too

A Georgia resident has taken a guilty plea to charges of hacking numerous Apple accounts belonging to high-profile athletes and musicians and stealing their credit card information, ...
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ISACA Recommends Phishing Simulations and Measurement as Appropriate Defense to Reduce Risk of Successful Phishing Attacks

Organizations are working to limit the effectiveness of phishing attacks using both internal and external collateral and programs. According to ISACA, the important thing is to have ...
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Mobile Devices Rise as a Top Attack Vector for Cybercriminals; Malware and Phishing Remain Primary Concerns

Cybercriminals are using every means available to reach their victims. According to Verizon’s latest data, attacks on mobile devices are increasing while security efforts fall behind.
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