Security Awareness Training Blog

Phishing Blog

Learn about current phishing techniques, notable campaigns and attacks, what to watch out for 'in the wild', and more.

Anatomy of a Rental Phishing Scam

There was an unsuccessful phishing attempt that security professional Jeffrey Ladish almost fell for. Jeffrey was house searching and was looking on Craigslist and Zillow for rental ...
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[On-Demand] Learn How to Forensically Examine Phishing Emails to Better  Protect Your Organization

Cyber crime has become an arms race where the bad guys constantly evolve their attacks while you, the vigilant defender, must diligently expand your know how to prevent intrusions into ...
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Unusual New Botnet-driven Phishing Attack With Tricky Downloaders

A large phishing campaign is distributing malicious Excel documents and utilizing irritating pop-ups to trick users into enabling macros, researchers at Lastline have found. The campaign ...
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Ashley Madison Data Breach Comes Back to Haunt Customers with New Sextortion Scam

Just when you thought everyone forgot about participation on the ill-famed cheaters website, a new phishing scam looks to use the breached data as the basis for extorting the site’s users.
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Intelligence Services Get Phishing Licenses

New York Times journalist Ben Hubbard was targeted by a spear phishing attack designed to deliver NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware, researchers at the University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab have ...
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[Heads-up] We Give Notice About The New Criminal Age 'Ransomware 2.0': Extremely Damaging, Dangerous And Plain Evil

Take a look at that screen. Let it sink in a moment. Imagine if it were your company.
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[Heads-up] Scam Of The Week: Coronavirus Phishing Attacks In The Wild

Yup, you can count on it, when there is a worldwide health scare, the bad guys are on it like flies on $#!+. We are seeing a new malicious phishing campaign that is based on the fear of ...
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Phishing Attacks Target Telecom Companies and their Tools to Facilitate SIM Swapping Attacks

Hackers are phishing telecom workers and “authorized retailers” to steal credentials and gain access to internal company tools. The end game is to modify SIM settings to help with a ...
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Phishing Telcos for SIM-Swapping

Motherboard reports that SIM swappers are launching phishing attacks against employees at Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint in order to hijack customer service tools. Once they have access to ...
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A Look Inside the Phishing Tackle Shop

The sophisticated 16Shop phishing kit can now target PayPal and American Express users, according to researchers from ZeroFOX. The researchers came across a new version of 16Shop that ...
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Scam Of The Week: "Kobe Bryant Dead, Dies in Helicopter Crash"

Today, news broke that Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash. His daughter Gigi was also on board and died in the crash. This is a celebrity death that the bad guys are going to be ...
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FDIC Warns U.S. Financial Institutions of Elevated Risk of Cyberattack

Citing “increased geopolitical tension”, banks are warned to immediately reevaluate to shore up cybersecurity controls and technology safeguards against ransomware and malware attacks.
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New Phishing Attack Emerges Targeting ADP Users Wanting Their W2

For those looking to get their taxes done early, watch out for emails impersonating ADP offering a link to retrieve your W2 early!
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Temporary Social Security Number? No Such Thing

Researchers at Kaspersky have come across an interesting phishing site that’s posing as a data leak protection service set up by the US government. The site purports to be compensating ...
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Emotet Trojan Intelligently Targets Organizations, Impersonates Victims to Improve Attack Success

According to new insights from Cisco Talos, this banking malware is getting nastier as it moves into the island hopping space via email attacks using social engineering.
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Phishing Attacks Are the Number One Data Breach Attack Vector in the U.K.

The latest cyber attack trend data in the U.K. shows the majority of data breaches in 2019 began with a phishing attack. Security consulting firm CybSafe analyzed three years of the ...
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Cyber Incidents Are the Top Concern Among Executives

Businesses are finally realizing the continually present threat that hackers, scammers, and cybercrime organizations pose, according to new data from insurer Allianz.
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Bad Guys Built A Completely Fake News Website For A Bitcoin Phishing Scam

The Central Bank of Malta has issued a statement warning people about a bitcoin phishing scam being pushed by a spoofed news website, the Times of Malta reports. The site imitated a ...
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Business Disruption is the Prominent Result for All Cyberattacks

New data from security vendor CrowdStrike shows that the bad guys are getting better at avoiding detection and are having a substantial financial impact on operations.
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