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[Heads up] FBI Warns About Attacks That Bypass Your Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Last month, the FBI sent a special alert called a Private Industry Notification (PIN) to industry partners about the rising threat of attacks that bypass their multi-factor authentication ...
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[VIDEO] CEO Stu Sjouwerman Interviewed by Dark Reading

This year at Black Hat 2019, our CEO Stu was interviewed by Dark Reading on regularly training users. Take a look at what we have in store in this video:
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[Heads Up] Five New Ways How Cyber Criminals Commit Insurance Fraud

TransUnion and Iovation predict that the increased use of online platforms to interact with insurance providers will result in new fraud challenges for insurance companies and their ...
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99 Percent Of All Misconfigurations In The Public Cloud Go Unreported

Charlie Osborne at ZDNet wrote: "Today's data breaches often seem to be caused not just by malware infections or external threat actors, but human error, insiders with an ax to grind, and ...
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Russian Secret Weapon Against U.S. 2020 Election Revealed In New Cyberwarfare Report

You may have sensed this, but you need to confront the fact the Planet Earth is an anarchy of nations. The UN is ineffective and thoroughly corrupt. A few good things have come out of it, ...
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[Heads Up] What If The World's Largest Cyber Insurers Recommended Just *One* Security Awareness Training Platform As The Most Effective In Reducing Cyber Risk?

Well, that just happened. Today, September 25th 2019, Marsh, the world’s leading insurance broker and risk adviser, announced the inaugural class of cybersecurity solutions receiving a ...
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In the Hot Seat: Three Experts Tackle 10 Critical Security Awareness Issues

Three experts. 10 hot topics. Sixty minutes. What happens when you lock highly opinionated security awareness experts in a room with a microphone and a list of top security issues facing ...
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Only 5% of U.S. Healthcare Employees Receive Continual Cybersecurity Awareness Training

A recent report by security vendor Kaspersky highlights how healthcare organizations are at risk of cyberattack – and how a lack of training is responsible.
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Cyber security remains the biggest threat to business in Africa

CAPE TOWN – African business owners who attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) on Africa in Cape Town have flagged cybersecurity as the biggest threat to business.
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Two-Thirds of Security Budgets Expected to Increase as Risk of Cyberattack Shifts to the Cloud

Organizations are feeling the impact of attacks and are taking tangible steps to lock in budget specifically to address security concerns with Cloud Security seeing the largest increase.
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Georgia Gov. Kemp Orders Cybersecurity Training For State Employees After Crippling Attacks

StateScoop reports: "Citing several recent ransomware attacks at the state and local levels, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp this week issued an executive order instructing state employees to ...
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U.S. Government Stresses the Need for Cybersecurity Awareness and Education in Light of Ransomware Attacks on Government Entities

In light of the recent string of attacks that seem to be targeting government agencies and municipalities, a new multi-agency press release provides guidance on how to be resilient.
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NSA Launches Cybersecurity Arm To Defend The U.S. From Foreign Adversaries

Kate O'Flaherty wrote in Forbes: "The National Security Agency has announced its intention to create a cybersecurity directorate this fall in a bid to defend the U.S. against foreign ...
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Here Is Some Great InfoSec Budget Ammo From UBS

A KnowBe4 employee forwarded this PDF to me. There is a very interesting point in here: your cybersecurity practices affect the valuation of your company. That should get the attention of ...
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Louisiana Declares Cybersecurity State of Emergency

A series of ransomware attacks on school district systems leads the governor to declare the state's first cybersecurity state of emergency.
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Chinese Hackers Use Island Hopping to Steal Industrial and Commercial Secrets in 5-year Attack on the World’s Largest Technology Service Providers

Dubbed the “Cloud Hopper” campaign, victim companies such as Ericsson, HPE, IBM, and more were targets of exfiltration aimed and helping advance the Chinese economy.
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UK Mid-Sized Firms Lost £30bn to CyberAttacks in 2018

Phil Muncaster at InfoSec Mag reported that "Cybersecurity incidents have cost UK mid-market firms a combined £30bn over the past year as automated attacks become the norm, according to ...
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U.S. Coast Guard Warns Shipping Industry on Cybersecurity. Are You Next?

Kim Nash wrote in the WSJ Cybersecurity newsletter: "Avast! Pirates are getting better with cyber weapons on the high seas, WSJ Pro’s James Rundle reports. Maritime freight operators must ...
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Cybersecurity Remains a Top Priority During M&A Diligence

M&A is no longer just about revenue, assets, and intellectual property; many organizations are increasingly worried about cybersecurity posture and risk, requiring appropriate ...
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