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Global Cyber Security spending to top $114bn in 2018, says Gartner

The need for improved detection, response and privacy is driving the demand for security products and services in response to security risks, business needs and industry changes, Gartner ...
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Healthcare Sees 278% Increase in Data Breaches in Q2,  30% Caused By Repeat Offenders

It’s not good to be in Healthcare IT these days, judging by the latest data. With over 3 million records put at risk by both insiders and external attacks in Q2, healthcare orgs need to ...
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Why Don’t Your Employees Care About Cyber Security?

Whether you realize or not, your employees are a critical part of your layered defense against phishing attacks, malware, ransomware, and more. So why aren’t they concerned?
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Cyber Security Insurance: Underwriting Is Changing Because Of Billions Of Potential Exposure

Cybersecurity insurers, faced with growing demand, are looking for new ways to better measure their risks, says Aleksandr Yampolskiy, CEO of SecurityScorecard. So some are moving toward ...
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[Heads-up] Ransomware Insurance Expert: "Bad Guys Do More Damage Than They Used To"

The ransomware plague is not letting up and rapidly getting more technically sophisticated. New strains are popping up every month, using innovative methods to spread. Worse, the ransom ...
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Gone Phishing: Travelers Claims Plan Doesn’t Cover Cyber Losses

Daniel R. Stoller at Bloomberg Law had an excellent observation about the risks of phishing related to general crime policies. Here is a short excerpt and the whole article is warmly ...
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PDF Files Can Be Abused to Steal Windows Credentials

PDF files can be weaponized by malicious actors to steal Windows credentials (NTLM hashes) without any user interaction, and only by opening a file, according to Assaf Baharav, a security ...
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Many of us will be at the RSA Conference in SanFran this week. Here are some quick tips!

Lance Spitzner said: Eat breakfast, it may be the last meal you get that day. Schedule the most important meetings in the morning. RSA gives you a back-pack. Don't use it at the con, ...
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Best-Funded US Cyber Security Startups By State [InfoGraphic]

We were just made aware of this very interesting map created by CBInsights. It lists the most well-funded cyber security companies in each US State as of Feb 2, 2018. To our pleasant ...
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The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security

Kevin Townsend wrote a great article about AI in SecurityWeek, looking at the current state of affairs and the expected near future, based on a recent important scientific paper titled: ...
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Accenture Cyber Security Survey: 18% of Health Employees Would Sell Confidential Data

Those who said they were willing to sell the data would do so for as little as between $500 and $1,000. Alexandia Wilson at HealthLeadersMedia had some disconcerting news. "Patients trust ...
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Insider Trading Can Pose Cyber Security Risks Says SEC Chair Clayton

Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Jay Clayton warned today insider trading by executives from undisclosed hacks and weak protections can pose cyber security risks to the reputation ...
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Global Cyber Security Risk Perception: Highest Management Priorities

Few organizations are highly confident in their ability to manage the risk of a cyber-attack, despite viewing cybersecurity as a top risk management priority, according to a survey ...
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Shawn Tuma is an attorney with an internationally recognized reputation in cybersecurity, computer fraud, and data privacy law. He is a Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Attorney at Scheef ...
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UK Warns Critical Industries to Boost Cyber Security or Face Hefty Fines

The UK government has warned that Britain's most critical industries must boost their cybersecurity or face potentially hefty fines under the EU's Networks and Information Systems ...
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Spend One Minute And Look At These Phishing Graphs

In the first quarter of 2018, after 7 years of helping our customers to enable their employees to make smarter security decisions and having reached the milestone of 15,000 customers, we ...
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How To Create A Security Culture in 2018

Ever heard: "If it was easy, everyone would do it" ? Creating a better security culture in your organization has a few challenges. Let's have a look at them, see how you can overcome ...
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How To Explain Meltdown And Spectre To Your C-Level and employees

OK, 2018 has just started and it has totally borked all networks in the whole world. That's a fine mess we're in to start off the year. :-) Meltdown and Spectre are CPU hardware design ...
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Book Review: A Data-Driven Computer Security Defense: THE Computer Security Defense You Should Be Using

Excellent book about InfoSec that has everything you need to know and nothing you don't. A Data-Driven Computer Security Defense: THE Computer Security Defense You Should Be Using by ...
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[On-Demand Webinar] Six Cybersecurity Trends Organizations Need to Watch for in 2018

Watch this insider’s perspective of cybersecurity trends to expect in 2018 from our founder Stu Sjouwerman. The list of six predictions are founded on KnowBe4’s deep insight into threats ...
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