Security Awareness Training Blog

Spear Phishing Blog

Learn about current spear phishing attacks, specific examples, and techniques the bad guys are currently using so your users don't fall for these attacks.

U.S. warns about phishing attacks on nuclear, energy, aviation, water, and manufacturing industries

(Reuters) — The U.S government issued a rare public warning that sophisticated hackers are targeting energy and industrial firms, the latest sign that cyber attacks present an increasing ...
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Ransomware Spear Phishing Attack Used To Hide 60M Cyberheist

In a classic "divert their attention", the Taiwan Far East Bank was first attacked with spear phishing emails that pointed to malicious executables, which were clicked on by employees. ...
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A New Spear Phishing Attack Uses Compromised Government Servers And DNS

Cisco's Talos malware researchers posted about a highly sophisticated, targeted spear phishing attack using malicious Word attachments, spoofed to look like it was from the U.S. ...
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Third Quarter 2017 Top-Clicked Phishing Email Subjects [INFOGRAPHIC]

KnowBe4 customers run millions of phishing tests per year, and we report quarterly on the latest top-clicked phishing email subjects in 3 separate categories: subjects related to social ...
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A Phishing Attack in the Clouds May Rain On Your Parade

According to MeriTalk, an editorial and events organization that focuses on Federal IT and government computing technologies, governments are moving some, or all of their IT to the Cloud, ...
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New Defray Ransomware Demands $5,000 In Customized Spear Phishing Attacks

This newly discovered ransomware strain is targeting healthcare, education, manufacturing and tech sectors in the US and UK, using customized spear phishing emails. Defray is demanding a ...
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Ukrainian Coder May Be First Potential Witness of DNC Phishing Attack

A lengthy and fascinating article in the New York Times by Andrew E. Kramer and Andrew Higgens on August 16, 2017 reported that a Ukranian coder known to his friends on the “dark web” as ...
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This Is A First: Spear Phishing Attack Uses Compromised PowerPoint Slide Deck

Bad guys are exploiting the CVE-2017-0199 vulnerability to bypass endpoint security software and deliver the Remcos remote access Trojan via Microsoft PowerPoint decks. This particular ...
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APT28 Uses Spear Phishing and NSA EternalBlue Exploit To Attack Hotel Wi-Fi

Russian APT28 (aka the Fancy Bear hacking group) is harnessing EternalBlue; NSA's Windows SMB exploit which made the WannaCry ransomware and Petya so effective — and are using it to ...
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Top White House officials fall for prankster social engineering tricks

A UK-based email prankster used social engineering tactics to fool several top White House officials into responding to his messages, including the Trump administration’s cybersecurity ...
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Second Quarter 2017 Top-Clicked Phishing Email Subjects [INFOGRAPHIC]

KnowBe4 customers run millions of phishing tests per year, and we report at least quarterly on the latest top-clicked phishing email subjects so our customers know what the highest-risk ...
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Netflix, ABC Hacker Promises More Phishing: "Hollywood Is Under Attack"

The Hollywood Reporter (THR) talked directly to TheDarkOverlord hacking collective that claims to have studio films. They said: "We're in the business of earning vast amounts of internet ...
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Top Secret NSA Doc Shows Russians Spear-Phishing Election Officials

The Intercept reported that the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence, the FSB's counterpart) executed a cyberattack on at least one U.S. voting software supplier and sent spear-phishing ...
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The New Ransom Target: Entertainment Files. Who Is The Next Phishing Victim?

Remember the James Bond movie Goldfinger? It was based on Ian Fleming's seventh novel, which first featured the timeless quote: "Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, the third time ...
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Facebook and Google Were Victims of 100 Million-Dollar Phishing Scam

We have been reporting on this massive Cyberheist for a while now, but Fortune Magazine decided to unleash their investigative reporters and find out exactly who those two mysterious ...
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A Single Spear Phishing Click Caused The Yahoo Data Breach

A single click was all it took to launch one of the biggest data breaches ever. One mistaken click. That's all it took for a Canadian hacker aligned with rogue Russian FSB spies to gain ...
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Verizon Wanted A 925 Million Discount Because Of Yahoo Hacking. CEO Mayer gets 23 Million Parachute

A newly filed Schedule A proxy statement at the Securities and Exchange Commission shows that Verizon requested a discount of 925 million dollar off the original 4.83 billion purchase ...
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SEC Phishing Emails Target Execs For Inside Info

A sophisticated phishing attack is trying to get confidential corporate information. Bad guys are sending spoofed emails claiming to be from the Security and Exchange Commission, and ...
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VISA warns for Flokibot Spear Phishing Infections

VISA warned all its merchants that multiple infosec firms reported on the emerging threat of a new malware variant identified as “Flokibot.”
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Bad News: Your Antivirus Detection Rates Have Dramatically Declined In 12 Months

We all had the nagging suspicion that antivirus is not cutting it anymore, but the following numbers confirm your intuition. I have not seen more powerful ammo for IT security budget to ...
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