Security Awareness Training Blog

Phishing Blog

Learn about current phishing techniques, notable campaigns and attacks, what to watch out for 'in the wild', and more.

Vishing Scams are Increasingly Difficult to Detect

Phone scams are becoming more convincing as attackers devise new ways to sound legitimate. KrebsOnSecurity recently spoke with several readers who'd been targeted by voice phishing, or ...
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KnowBe4's Phish Alert Button Now Works With Outlook Mobile!

Do your users know what to do when they receive a suspicious email? Should they call the help desk, or forward it? Should they forward to IT including all headers? Delete and not report ...
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Bleeding Edge Phishing Attack Uses Decoy PDF with Microsoft-issued SSL Cert

TL,DR: A recent phishing attack posing as a PDF decoy from a Denver law firm was stealing clients' Office 365 credentials. The phishing bait was hosted in Azure blob storage and contained ...
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Worry About Phishing, Not Malware!

With so many security strategies revolving around the detection of malware, organizations forget the primary source of all their worries – phishing.
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Kevin Mitnick weighs in on Facebook's big security breach

It was all over the news, and CNBC interviewed KnowBe4's very own Chief Hacking Officer Kevin Mitnick (note the StreetCred box on the right).
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[InfoGraphic] 20 Ways to Block Mobile Attacks

To start your National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) here is a goodie for your users to kick things off.
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Targeted Attacks Replace Spam Campaigns

Spam campaigns are all but dead. But lucrative targeted low-risk, high-yield cyber-attacks have risen to take their place, according to the European Union law enforcement agency Europol.
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Brand-New Tool: Domain Doppelgänger Identifies Evil Twin Domains

I gave you a heads-up a few days ago, and now I'm excited to announce the actual release of a new tool to help protect your organization from cybercriminals.
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Ewww. Password managers can be tricked into believing that malicious Android apps are legitimate

Ewww. Something else to watch out for. Will it ever stop?. Ummm, no.
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Highly Targeted Email Attacks Are on the Rise!

New data shows a surge in attacks, what industries are targets, which users are at risk, and what you can expect to see in the future.
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As Predicted, Hurricane Florence Phishing Scams are Circulating

We’ve noted in other posts that events like natural disasters are inevitably used as phishbait by scammers. The Atlantic hurricane season, which breeds storms like the recent and very ...
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I Got Vished (and So Can Your Users)

Written by Guest Blogger Nick Cavalancia, Microsoft MVP Hear one cybersecurity expert’s experience of missing the signs and getting duped over the phone. If it can happen to him, it can ...
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Phishing Attack On Office 365 Account Leads To 3 Million CEO Fraud

A phishing attack on an Office 365-account enabled a 3 Mil CEO Fraud Scam at an investment firm. Finnish antivirus company F-Secure reported on their blog. One of the employees at the ...
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It Only Takes One Phish to Spoil Your IPO

The recent data breach of pre-IPO biotech firm Guardant Health shows how much impact a single successful phishing attack can have on an organization.
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The Evolution Of "Friendly Name" Spoofing During Phishing Attacks

Our friends at Bleepingcomputer had a great article written by Ionut Ilascu I think you will like: "While phishing continues to be the prevalent threat in malware-less email-based ...
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WATCH IT - Current Events Will Be Misused for Phishing...AGAIN

Here are the latest Current Events phishes from the KnowBe4 team over the past few days, some prompted by warnings from US-CERT.
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Colleges Become Phishing Targets with Student Loans as the Payoff

Anytime there’s a transaction involving money, cybercriminals look for ways to hack in and intercept funds. Student Loans are the latest target.
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Phishing from Beyond the Grave...

By Eric Howes, KnowBe4 Principal Lab Researcher. It's no secret that the threat of phishing emails has been growing at an alarming rate for a number of years. Indeed, ZDNet recently ...
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Details of North Korea Attacks Highlight Email’s Role in Attacks

When you think of cyber-espionage, you might be surprised it’s far less “Mission: Impossible” and a lot more basic phishing tactics.
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Phishing Scammers are Planning Well into 2020

Cybercriminals are already looking to take advantage of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Are you thinking years out? The bad guys are.
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