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Cybercrime Blog

We report on the latest trends in cybercrime to help you stay informed and aware of what the current threat landscape looks like.

Average Enterprise Is Hit by a Cyber Attack Every 1.5 Seconds

FireEye released its yearly Advanced Threat Report, and they did some interesting math. Enterprises are hit by cyber attacks on average once every 1.5 seconds, which is double from the ...
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Knowbe4 CyberheistNews Vol 4, 07 SNEAK PEEK At New Site: HACKBUSTERS

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 07
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KnowBe4 Announces HackBusters, A Curated IT Security News Site
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Online social engineering scams flourish around Valentine's Day

Michael Cooney at Network World summarized the current scams doing the rounds related to online dating and romance sites. A good reminder that heartless con artists use social engineering ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 06 Cryptolocker Scrambles Files Of US Law Firm

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 06
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Why Cybercrime Pays Off

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CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 05

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 05
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FBI: The 10 Criminal Cyber Crime Professions

The Center for Cyber Forensics and Information Security (CCFIS) reported in a blog: "The FBI has recently classified the different 'professional positions' they have encountered in the ...
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What Is The Deep Web 101

Pierluigi Paganini wrote a great blog post today. The Deep Web (or Invisible Web) is all the information on the World Wide Web not reported by normal search engines. It's HUGE. According ...
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Firm Bankrupted by Cyberheist Sues Bank

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Eastern European Hackers Hit Target Phish Out 40M Credit Cards

During the Black Friday shopping week, tens of millions of credit and debit card records were "phished" out of Target. The data breach was nationwide, and has extended for as far as ...
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The Antivirus Industry’s Dirty Little Secret

[Updated 5/1/2016]. The Antivirus industry has a dirty little secret that they really don’t want anyone to know. Despite the claims of their marketing departments, their products are not ...
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Inside The Adobe Databreach Disaster

Last week Adobe announced probably the worst news ever for a tech company. Both their source code and customer lists had been stolen. EPIC FAIL!
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CyberheistNews Vol 3, # 40

CyberheistNews Vol 3, # 40
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FBI: “Beta Bot” malware kills your anti-virus and steals data

This week, the FBI sent out a warning that a strain of malware known as "Beta Bot" can turn off your antivirus, stops access to the websites of antivirus vendors so that your antivirus ...
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Scam Of The Week: Ransomware Uses Child Porn Threat

Getting caught viewing child porn is a huge deal and instantly makes you an outcast in most western countries. Cybercriminals have cooked up a new way to blackmail people out of their ...
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Cybercrime Automates Fake ID's For Spear-phishing

Today it was reported through several sources that a new Cybercrime-as-a-Service option is available: creation of fake scanned passports, ID cards, driver's licenses and fake scanned ...
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Electronic ID cards join fight against phishing attacks

Phishing attacks are believed to have hit 37.3 million people last year, escalating online password theft 300%. To fight back against this type of cyberattack, a team of researchers at ...
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New Cybercrime-as-a-Service: Unethical Pen-testing

I have talked about this a few times before, there is a well-developed $3 Billion underground economy specialized in cybercrime. Here is an example of a "promising" new criminal DIY ...
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