Security Awareness Training Blog

Cybercrime Blog

We report on the latest trends in cybercrime to help you stay informed and aware of what the current threat landscape looks like.

Are You Being Targeted By Hot Foreign Spies?

Ready to be hit upon by the likes of Anna Chapman? MI5 in the UK warned that foreign spy agencies are targeting IT workers within big organizations as a means of gaining privileged access ...
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Malware Only Lives For A Few Hours

Rob Rachwald and Zheng Bu at FireEye came up with some interesting observations: "At FireEye, we look at hundreds of malware samples daily, and, in a recent talk at RSA Conference, Zheng ...
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Shocker Symantec Admits That Antivirus Is Dead

An article in the Wall Street Journal of May 5, 2014 summarized what I have been talking about these last few years. 25 years ago, Symantec was one of the first IT security companies to ...
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Phishing campaign uses VoIP to steal card data

An Eastern European Cyber Mafia has been found to run a multi-year campaign that targets small U.S. banks and credit unions with a sophisticated VoIP phishing scheme (aka vishing) to ...
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Verizon's New 2014 Data Breach Report: Summary

In IT, we are subject to help desk tickets and putting out fires. The problem with this is that most of these are short-term fixes. It is usually about last week's downtime, today's ...
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WARNING Third Ransomware Strain Called CryptorBit Attacks

Welcome to the new world of malware.
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Police Grapple With Cybercrime And Have Trouble Keeping Up

Danny Yadron at the WSJ got the picture right. State, and local law enforcement are struggling to keep up as their online case load grows. They are even gettting a hand from the FBI here ...
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Pirated PC's And Software Loaded With Malware

Here is another reason why buying legitimate operating systems and application software is a good idea. A new study conducted by IDC and commissioned by Microsoft reveals some troubling ...
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The history of malware samples in numbers

Virus Bulletin came up with some interesting historical facts. In 1989, when the very first Virus Bulletin rolled off the press (produced in a black-and-white, printed pamphlet style), ...
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More Than Half Of End Users Did Not Get Security Awareness Training

This week I attended a webinar about Security Awareness Training hosted by David Monahan, Research Director Security and Risk Management of Enterprise Management Associates.
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Backup Failures And Ransomware Phishing: Recipe For Disaster

With system administrators in the crossfire between cybergangs who are wielding sophisticated ransomware like CryptoLocker on one side and CryptoDefense on the other, it's likely many of ...
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14 Things That Definitely Should Not Be On The Internet, But Are

You would think that after the recent few years of press showing the risks of the Internet that people would wise up. But no. To my astonishment it's getting worse, not better. Just have ...
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ALERT - CryptoLocker Has A Competitor That Is Worse: CryptoDefense

As we said before, there is furious competition between cybergangs. Late February 2014 a copycat ransomware competitor to Cryptolocker was released which outdoes CryptoLocker. The malware ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 13 It's The XPOCALYPSE!... But Is It?

CyberheistNews Vol 4, # 13
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Hackers hit Monster Jobs users with Gameover Zeus malware

Companies that are recruiting new employees are being targeted through Monster Jobs. The bad guys are using malware called Gameover Zeus, security firm F-secure reported in a blog post ...
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CryptoLocker Has A Competitor That Is Worse: CryptoDefense

As we said before, there is furious competition between cybergangs. Late February 2014 a copycat ransomware competitor to Cryptolocker was released which outdoes CryptoLocker. The malware ...
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Scam Of The Week: You Owe Taxes, Pay Now Or Else

This scam uses a combination of phishing emails and spoofed Caller ID scam calls. The scammers intimidate the victim, threaten with arrest, deportation or loss of a business or driver’s ...
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Sophisticated Scam Of The Week: Cell Phone Voucher

There's a fresh, well thought-out social engineering scam sticking up its ugly head right now. The bad guys are promising cell phone users amounts of up to $100 in vouchers using a ...
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Pre-installed malware turns up on new phones

A fake version of Netflix that steals personal data and sends it to Russia has been found on several phone models
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How to Test the Phishing Savvy of Your Staff

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