Security Awareness Training Blog

Cybercrime Blog

We report on the latest trends in cybercrime to help you stay informed and aware of what the current threat landscape looks like.

Hackers put a bull's-eye on small business

Less than 500 employees? You’ve got a 20 percent chance of being hacked, and if it happens there’s a good chance your business is finished.
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Scam Of The Week: "Held For Ransom"

You should alert your users that a particularly effective scam is growing by leaps and bounds recently. It's not new, but it's bursting into mainline cybercrime these last few weeks. The ...
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LLoyds: Cyber Risk Rises from 12th to 3rd place In Three Years

You all know the world famous insurance company LLoyds. What you may not know is that they maintain a list of Top Risks. It's called their Risk Index and it's the result of a survey of ...
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Five Ways Your Employees Can Kill Your Company

One - Insider Threat: Stealing valuable information for either profit or idealistic motives. Examples: Software developers taking home code for their next job, sales people downloading ...
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Why Business Is Losing The War Against Cybercrime

Price Waterhouse (PwC) and CSO Magazine just released their 2013 State of Cybercrime Survey. It shows that lack of risk awareness means companies are poorly defended. This is their 11th ...
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The Three Types Of Cyberattacks

Eugene Kaspersky recently gave one of his very rare interviews. He was in Israel for a staff recruitment tour, and was quoted saying:"
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New on SlideShare: The Seven Deadly Social Engineering Vices

The Seven Deadly Social Engineering Vices blog post has been viewed well over 11,000 times and has gone viral. That's why we created a (much prettier) SlideShare version for you which you ...
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Citadel 'Shutdown' Just A Microsoft PR Move

It was all over the news. The Citadel botnet responsible for stealing more than 500 million dollars out of bank accounts from both individuals and organizations worldwide has been largely ...
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46 Percent Of Hospital’S Hacked Money Gone For Good

Chelan County Treasurer David Griffiths says Leavenworth's hospital district stands to recover less than half the $1 million stolen in an online banking theft. About $415,000 has been ...
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Cybercrime Attack Vector Of Choice: Employees

Today, employees are the low hanging fruit for cybercrime. Organizations counter this with what is called 'Security Awareness Training' (SAT), but modern SAT is far removed from how it ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 3 #20

Latest Attack Trend: 'Persistent Spear Phishing'
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1st Quarter 2013: 6.5 Million New Malware Strains Built

The Research Team of Panda Labs just reported that between January and March of this year, more than 6.5 million new malware strains were built, and that of those 75% were trojans. In ...
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Don't Get Hijacked On Social Media

John Mello over at Chief Security Magazine wrote today: "Online social networkers invite data marauders to compromise their accounts by choosing a convenient but risky option offered by ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 3, # 19

CyberheistNews Vol 3, # 19 Fraud-as-a-service Goes Mainstream
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Consumer Reports: 9.2 Million Phishing Victims Last Year

Consumer Reports today came out with some numbers that should give you pause. 9.2 Million Americans fell victim to a phishing attack last year, and a whopping 58.2 Million had a malware ...
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$1Million Cyberheist From Leavenworth Hospital

Kevin Mitnick sent me an article that illustrates why it is needed to train all employees not to fall for hacker tricks: "Friday, April 26, 2013 - WENATCHEE — Hackers stole more than $1 ...
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Fraud-as-a-service Goes Mainstream

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10 Tips To Secure Funding For A Security Program

Over at the CSO site, Dominic Nessi, CIO for Los Angeles World Airports, outlines ten essential tips for getting your financial team on board with your security funding requests.
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Why Your Tax Return Isn't Safe

That's the title of a Wall Street Journal opinion piece today by Cyrus R. Vance, Manhattan District Attorney.
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