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Cybercrime Blog

We report on the latest trends in cybercrime to help you stay informed and aware of what the current threat landscape looks like.

The Massive Cyber Attacks Slated For 2018 Will Make You WannaCry

If you think 2017 was bad, hold on for dear life because 2018 is going to be the worst yet when it comes to cyber attacks, with new and better coordinated attacks looming large. Why? ...
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Complex regulations and sophisticated cyber attacks inflate non-compliance costs

The cost of non-compliance has significantly increased over the past few years, and the issue could grow more serious. 90 percent of organizations believe that compliance with the GDPR ...
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Cyberheists Linked to Russian Hackers Targets Banks From Moscow to Utah

A previously unknown ring of Russian-speaking hackers has stolen as much as $10 million from U.S. and Russian banks in the last 18 months, according to a Moscow-based cyber-security firm ...
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Cyber Warfare in 140 Characters: Social Media Weaponized

David Patriakos's new book about cyber warfare is a fascinating read. From the back cover: "Modern warfare is a war of narratives, where bullets are fired both physically and virtually. ...
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Which of Your Employees Are Most Likely to Expose Your Company to a Cyber Attack?

Kon Leong at Harvard Business Review wrote an excellent article about the problem of employees exposing your organization to cyberthreats through human error. Here is a short qoute:
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Dark Overlord hackers reveal plans to leak 'Hollywood database stolen from top studio'

Criminal hacking group The Dark Overlord is threatening to leak the internal client data of top Hollywood production studio Line 204, IBTimes UK has learned. The seemingly international ...
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EU to Declare Cyber-Attacks “Act of War”. USA likely to follow

"European Union member states have drafted a diplomatic document which states serious cyber-attacks by a foreign nation could be construed as an act of war. The document, said to have ...
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Is combosquatting a new trick hackers use to lure users into visiting malicious websites?

Georgia Tech researchers reported that hackers are using a technique identified with a newly coined term "combosquatting" to trick users into visiting malicious websites. Sorry to break ...
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Hackers Target Nation’s Schools

Tawnell D. Hobbs at the Wall Street Journal wrote: "Hackers looking to exploit sensitive information for profit are increasingly targeting the nation’s schools, where they are finding a ...
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Lower Cybercrime Costs! Attack Humans...

This could be a headline on a dark web site for cyber criminals. And it would be correct. Our colleagues at Wombat did some digging and came up with relevant research you should know ...
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The CCleaner app, designed for good cyber hygiene, was itself infected with a backdoor by hackers

Cisco's TALOS security researchers discovered a devious way to infect millions of machines. They said: "Supply chain attacks are a very effective way to distribute malicious software into ...
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A Single Extreme Cyberattack Could Cost the U.S. More than Hurricane Katrina

Lucinda Shen at Fortune wrote: "With an uptick in cyberattacks across the world, from WannaCry to Petya ransomware, a new report from banking heavyweight Lloyds of London warns just how ...
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The Hackers Smell Blood Now, Not Silicon

Steve Morgan wrote an excellent post with the Top 5 cybersecurity facts, figures and statistics for 2017 at the CSO site. These predictions and observations provide a 30,000-foot view of ...
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Two New Cybercrime-as-a-Service Platforms Discovered

There is a rising trend of cybercrime sites for wannabe "crims" that make malicious hacking a point-and-click exercise. A new report describes two more sites that were discovered by ...
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[ALERT] NotPetya Is a Cyber Weapon, Not Ransomware

Yesterday morning, after monitoring this new outbreak for 24 hours, I came to the conclusion we were dealing with cyber warfare , and not ransomware . Two separate reports coming from ...
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We Are Dealing With Cyber Warfare Here

OK, after 24 hours of monitoring this new Petya ransomworm outbreak, I am calling it. This has been brewing under the surface for a few years, but now we are dealing with open cyber ...
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Vladimir Putin Approves Of Patriotic Russian Hackers

The WSJ just posted a very interesting article by Nathan Hodge confirming what we have been saying here for the last few years. Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested in St Petersburg ...
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Shadow Brokers Offer New SaaS 0-Day Threat Subscription Model

The mysterious Shadow Brokers – the hackers who leaked the NSA SMB zero-day exploit that powered WanaCry into the world's worst ransomworm – are back, and could cause even more damage. In ...
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NIST Releases Update to Cybersecurity Framework

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued a draft update (PDF) to the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity—also known as the ...
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Chinese Hackers Use Fake Cellphone Tower to Spread Android Banking Trojan

Check Point Software blogged about Chinese hackers who have taken smishing to the next level, using a rogue cell phone tower to distribute Android banking malware via spoofed SMS messages.
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