Security Awareness Training Blog

Cybercrime Blog

We report on the latest trends in cybercrime to help you stay informed and aware of what the current threat landscape looks like.

Websense: Malware-as-a-Service Makes Cybercrime Easier

Websense released their annual Threat Report, which is interesting if you want to know what’s really happening in the criminal cyber landscape. Here are a few highlights, with a link to ...
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CEO Fraud Social Engineering Scam On The Rise

Known variously as the “CEO fraud,” or the “business email compromise,” highly sophisticated cyber criminals try to social engineer businesses that work with foreign suppliers. This ...
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Russia tops list of nation-state cyber threats against U.S.

I have been talking about cyber war / cyber threats from Russia on this blog for about two years now, and it looks like I was on the mark.
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How To Get The OK To Phish Your Own Employees

IT people responsible for network security talk to us all the time. Almost all of them agree that end-users are their number one headache and managing that problem continues to be a big ...
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Billion Dollar Carbanak Cyberheist

As promised, here is more data about the Carbanak cyberheist in addition to the original post First of all, a map that shows the IP addresses of the institutions that were hit. Kaspersky ...
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Review: Movie BlackHat go see it

I've been looking forward to this one and I was not disappointed. If you like slow-burn high-tech thrillers please go see this movie in the theater because it is worth it. I give it an 8 ...
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Train Employees And Cut Cyber Risks Up To 70 Percent

It's a well-known fact that employees are the weakest link in IT security. There is good news though! New research from our friends at Wombat Security Technologies and the Aberdeen Group ...
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Size Does Not Matter For Cybercrime

Most small- and medium business owners think that they are not a target for cybercrime. Well, if you think you are safe because you are just a little fish in a big pond, think again. ...
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Defense In Depth: Your Answer To Social Engineering

Organizations defend their networks on each of the six levels in the green graph you see. End-user Internet Security Awareness Training resides in the outer layer: ‘Policies, Procedures, ...
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Three Scams To Warn Your Users About

It's the holidays and the bad guys are working overtime. There are three scams you want to warn your users about. Remember the Phil Esterhaus character in Hill Street Blues? To begin ...
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Cybercrime group steals millions from Russian banks and targets US

This is actually quite interesting, hackers that are successful inside Russia, as normally these guys are shut down by the FSB in a heartbeat. It must be that they are outside of the ...
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Phishing Attack on German Steel Factory System Caused Massive Damage

Hackers breached security of a German steel mill's network and caused considerable damage by manipulating the controls of a blast furnace. The attackers gained access to the network ...
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Staples: 6-Month Malware Breach, 1.16 Million Cards

Office supply chain Staples Inc. today finally acknowledged that a malware intrusion by hackers this year at some of its stores resulted in a credit card breach. The company now says some ...
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Scam Of The Week: Spike In Hoax News Spreading Malware

The year 2014 has seen a boom on hoax news stories, as these are particularly successful social engineering tactics used by hackers to get people to click on links, and worse, share the ...
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Sony The First To Be Hit With Destructive Payload

Sony has been hacked several times, and should have learned their lesson a while ago, but no. This time it is really bad though. Late yesterday the FBI warned U.S. business that the ...
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Scam Of The Week: "Shipping Problem"

We have Black Friday and Cyber Monday behind us. After losing ground to online competitors, brick-and-mortar retailers have struck back with incredible online deals. Wal-Mart said ...
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Homeland Security: Security Education Deterred Cybercrime

Homeland Security Today has a good article which explains that cybersecurity education, including employee training and awareness programs, is vital in deterring cybercrime. The ...
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Software Support Cybercrime Scam

This week the FTC shut down a $120M tech support scam that consumer software buyers should be aware of. Two telemarketing firms were at the center of this FTC investigation, but there are ...
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