Security Awareness Training Blog

Cybercrime Blog

We report on the latest trends in cybercrime to help you stay informed and aware of what the current threat landscape looks like.

U.S. Cities Remain at Risk of Cyber Attacks

Recent attacks on city governments have not only provided their attackers with revenue from scams, data breaches, and data held ransom, but have also drawn the attention of other ...
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Cyberheist On Bank Causes Shutdown Of All Operations

Reuters reported that the Bank of Valetta, which accounts for almost half of Malta’s banking transactions, had to shut down all of its operations on Wednesday after hackers broke into its ...
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Massive Increases in Trojans and Backdoor Attacks More Than Double, Spelling Trouble for Organizations

Growth in attacks designed to obfuscate access and purpose should put organizations on alert as cybercriminals gain control over endpoints to do just about anything they want.
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A Majority of Cyberattacks Use Lateral Movement and “Living Off the Land”

The latest from Carbon Black’s 2019 Global Threat Report shows cybercriminals are intent to move from endpoint to endpoint and avoid detection using built-in tools.
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Cybercrime could cost companies trillions over the next five years

A new report (PDF) by Accenture indicates that over the next 5 years, cyberattacks could result in global costs totaling $5.2 trillion.
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The U.S. Government Blaming Cyber Attacks on Russia May Cost One Business $100 Million

Governments attributing cyberattacks to specific countries usually ends in nothing more than a line in a news story. But sometimes these kinds of claims can have unforeseen consequences.
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Banking Cyber Heists Celebrate Their 25th Birthday!

2019 marks the 25th anniversary of the very first cyber-heist, netting one of the first cybercriminals $10 million from Citibank. The tactics have changed, but the target hasn’t.
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New Deloitte Threat Study Shows The Fantastic ROI of Cyber Crime Operations

Deloitte estimates that some common criminal businesses can be operated for as little as $34 month and could return $25,000, while others may routinely require nearly $3,800 a month and ...
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Scumbag hackers lift $1m from children's charity

The Register reported on some scumbag criminals that stole a million bucks from a charity. The editors got very upset with these criminals and freely spoke their mind. The resulting copy ...
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NotPetya Causes Whopping 100 Million Insurance Coverage Lawsuit

Techlawx posted news about an astounding NotPetya-related lawsuit, (link at the end). We all remember June 27, 2017, when a major global cyber attack harmed thousands of companies. The ...
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SEO Poisoning + Midterm Elections = Cybercriminals Paradise

Compromised websites focused on tomorrow’s midterm elections serve as the hunting ground for cybercriminals looking to take advantage of unsuspecting visitors.
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[Heads-up] Here Is Some New Powerful Ammo To Get InfoSec Budget Approval!

The team at Forbes Magazine's Tech Council asked me to write up the lessons we have learned over the last 8 years of helping you keep the bad guys out of your network. It took me a while, ...
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Add Wi-Fi Proximity to Your Cyberattack Concern List

The latest attack from the Russian GRU involves both traditional spear phishing and close access attacks in an attempt to thwart an investigation of the nerve agent attack in the UK.
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Cyber Attacks Mean Double the Trouble in 2018

According to the 2018 Traveler’s Risk Index, the percentage of businesses that have been the victim of a cyberattack has doubled… and most businesses aren’t even remotely ready.
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Is Your Incident Response to Cyber Attacks Useless?

A new report from Carbon Black sheds some light on exactly what cybercriminals are doing, and why traditional incident response is unprepared at best.
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Well-Known Cybercrime Group Continues Attacks on Banks

The notorious criminal group Cobalt—aka Carnanak—impersonates vendors or partners to gain access to bank networks, with each successful attack taking in as much as €10 Million.
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Think Size Matters to Hackers? It Doesn’t

The largest of organizations aren’t the only ones being hit with cyberattacks. Everyone from the SMB on up is at risk and is actively a target.
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[INFOGRAPHIC] Cybercrime Pulls In A Million Bucks A Minute

More than a million dollars is lost every minute to cybercrime. That staggering stat comes to us by way of RiskIQ who published new research showing that despite businesses spending ...
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Cybercrime Takes Advantage of Agile Development

The bad guys have long benefited from vulnerabilities in any part of an OS or application. Now they’re going a bit deeper and looking for ways to benefit from development cycles.
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