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New UK Study: "3 out of 4 phishing scams get to your inbox untouched"

Chris Matyszczyk wrote: "Apple sends me so many invoices every week that I scarcely know what I've gone and bought. This appears to have also crossed the minds of researchers at the UK's ...
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Why School Districts are Targets of Social Engineering

School districts are becoming increasingly popular targets for ransomware, with at least five of these attacks occurring in July, according to the New York Times.
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Why Is Windows Defender The World's No. 1 Antivirus With More Than Half A Billion EndPoints?

Having been inside the AntiVirus software industry for quite a while, and building an AV tool from the ground up, when I saw Redmond start acquiring several small AV companies in 2008 and ...
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GermanWiper Ransomware Hits Germany Hard, Destroys Files But Asks For A Ransom

For the past week, a new ransomware strain has been wreaking havoc across Germany. Named GermanWiper, this ransomware doesn't encrypt files but instead it rewrites their content with ...
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Engineering Licensing as Phishbait

Researchers at Proofpoint have observed a state-sponsored spearphishing campaign targeting three US utilities companies. The emails convincingly posed as exam results from the National ...
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Churches and Other Not-for-Profits as Targets of Scams

On this week’s episode of the CyberWire’s Hacking Humans podcast, Dave Bittner and Joe Carrigan discussed a story written by two lawyers for Church Law & Tax that warns of a type of ...
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Freight Forwarding Email Scams are Business Killers

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has warned that multiple Australian IT suppliers have permanently closed their doors after falling victim to procurement scams, CRN reports. ...
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Scam Of The Week: Equifax Settlement Phishing

Well, that did not take long! The Equifax Data Breach resulted in a settlement and those affected have a choice between free credit monitoring or a $125 payment.
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Buyers of Facebook’s Libra Cryptocurrency are the Latest Target in Phishing Scams

Scammers are impersonating Facebook to trick potential buyers of Facebook’s new cryptocurrency into parting with their money.
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Russian Phishing: Swiss-based Email Provider ProtonMail Hit By Cyber Attack

Reporters investigating Russian military intelligence have been targeted by highly sophisticated cyber attacks through their encrypted email accounts, with evidence suggesting Moscow was ...
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CEO Fraud Phishing Scams Versus The U.K. Solicitors

The UK’s Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has warned of another email scam that impersonated a real law firm in order to hijack a real estate transaction, according to Martin Parrin ...
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5 Things You Need to Know About Facebook’s $5 Billion Fine

By Lecio De Paula, KnowBe4's Director of Data Privacy. On July 24, 2019, it was announced that Facebook, Inc. will pay a 5 billion dollar penalty to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission ...
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You Don't Want *THAT* In Your Wallet

Capital One has announced a data breach that has exposed the personal information of 106 million people that includes transaction data, credit scores, payment history, balances, and for ...
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15-year old MyDoom Remains a Common Phish Hook

The destructive email worm MyDoom is still very active more than fifteen years after it was first spotted, according to ZDNet. Researchers at Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42 observed 663,000 ...
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New Ransomware Strain Spreads Via SMS

A new Android ransomware strain was discovered by ESET researchers. It uses the victim's contact list to spread further using SMS messages that have malicious links.
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Office 365 Administrators are the Target of the Latest String of Phishing Attacks

Using a mix of fake admin alerts and a spoofed logon page, this newest campaign leverages IT’s urgency in fixing critical issues before they impact users.
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Iranian Hacker Group APT34 Use New ‘Tonedeaf’ Malware over LinkedIn in Latest Phishing Campaign

Targeting several key industries, this new campaign likely seeks to aid the Iranian government with information that could be of use to further Iran’s economic and security goals.
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[Heads-up] Nationwide Bomb Threat Extortion Phishing Attack Campaign With A Twist

IN OFFICES AND universities all across the country Thursday, the same threat appeared in email inboxes: Pay $20,000 worth of bitcoin, or a bomb will detonate in your building. Police ...
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Two Puerto Rico Hospitals Hit With Ransomware That Encrypts 520,000 Patient Records

The two hospitals were hit by ransomware infections and are one of the largest data breaches reported by the U.S. Department of Health. This particular incident encrypted all kinds of ...
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