Security Awareness Training Blog

Security Awareness Training Blog

Read the latest news about security awareness training, best practices, why you need it, and what happens when you don't have it in place.

Blackhat 2015 Survey: End-User Wins Easily As IT's Big Worry

According to the 2015 Black Hat Attendee Survey, nearly three quarters (73 percent) of top security professionals think it likely that their organizations will be hit with a major data ...
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Spear Phishing Attack Results In $5.3 Million Bitcoin Cyberheist

"Newly leaked, confidential documents have revealed details into a cyberattack aimed at Bitstamp, a company that fundamentally deals as a cryptocurrency trader, according to a report in ...
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What KnowBe4 Customers Say About Us July 3, 105

Hi Stu, "We're happy with the product. Getting good feedback from users who've gone through the programme and my management is highly impressed with the quality of the information given. ...
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Scam Of The Week: Payment By Facebook Friend

As of last Tuesday, Facebook has switched on person-to-person (P2P) payments for users in the US to "instant-message" money to their friends, using the debit cards connected to their bank ...
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Confidence In Antivirus Falls To All-time Low

Bromium is a company with a new antivirus mousetrap, so it will try to make old mousetraps look, well... old. However, they do point out correctly that traditional antivirus is starting ...
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The Seven Deadly Social Engineering Vices Updated

You may not be aware that there is a scale of seven deadly vices connected to social engineering (SE). The deadliest SE attacks are the ones that have the highest success rates, often ...
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Gone phishing: How I taught my users to stop clicking everything

Familiar with SpiceWorks? It's the world's largest IT Admin community. One user wrote the 392nd entry in their Spotlight on IT. This is the story. There is a link at the end to the ...
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The Truth About The Massive OPMgate Hacking Scandal

The recent U.S. Government Office of Personnel Management hack is getting worse by the day. In Saturday's Wall Street Journal they revealed that apart from more than 4 million personal ...
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Some Interesting Security Awareness Computer-Based Training Numbers

You may know Gartner, the 800-pound gorilla in the IT Analyst space. When a market is mature enough they create their so-called Magic Quadrant (MQ) with the leading vendors in that ...
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Will Your Contractors Take Down Your Business?

Will Your Contractors Take Down Your Business? Do you know how well your vendors, business associates, contracted third parties (who I will collectively call “contractors”) are protecting ...
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Starbucks Hack: A Great Example Why You Should Not Reuse Passwords

Use this story and send it to your employees as a cautionary tale to make it real to them they should not reuse passwords in general, but especially not for any online payment accounts! ...
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Get Real About User Security Training

Do you despair that users will never learn to avoid stupid security mistakes that compromise your organization? Maybe you're not spending enough time and effort on training. Roger Grimes ...
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Phishing in the C-Suite: 96% of Executives Vulnerable to Attacks

According to a recent survey, 96% of executives failed to tell the difference between a real email and a phishing email 100% of the time.
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What our customers are saying about our security awareness training

One of our customers sent us this today: "I wanted to give you an update on our security awareness training. When we did the baseline phishing campaign for 85 employees and we had a click ...
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10 Lessons Learned From Painful Ryanair $5M Cyberheist

Low-cost airline Ryanair shamefacedly came clean last week that they fell victim to a cyberheist which stole almost 5 million dollars out of its fuel bank account. The money was siphoned ...
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Social Engineering Exploit Fools HR with Infected IT Resumes

Proofpoint threat researchers recently detected a clever email-based attack that combines phishing and social engineering techniques in order to trick users into opening a malicious ...
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Tesla Attack Caused By Social Engineering

A few days ago, you may have read the news that Tesla Motors had their website and Twitter accounts hijacked by pranksters. OpenDNS has a blog post that goes into great technical detail.
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Ransomware Mafia Now Uses Bitcoin As Obfuscation Layer

Bitcoin is a very speculative currency, still relatively easy to manipulate compared to the major currencies, and subject to massive increases and drops in value. Currently the falling ...
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How Criminals Exploit Gaps In Your Security Awareness Training

I was at RSA in San Francisco last week. Great show, with ~30,000 attendees and packed exhibit halls at the Moscone Center. We invited KnowBe4 customers who were attending RSA for a ...
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The 5 Security Awareness Training Generations [CARTOON]

Today, your employees are frequently exposed to advanced phishing and ransomware attacks. Your users are the weak link in your IT security. There are 5 ways (generations) to train ...
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