Security Awareness Training Blog

Security Awareness Training Blog

Read the latest news about security awareness training, best practices, why you need it, and what happens when you don't have it in place.

Three Scams To Warn Your Users About

It's the holidays and the bad guys are working overtime. There are three scams you want to warn your users about. Remember the Phil Esterhaus character in Hill Street Blues? To begin ...
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Security Awareness Training in 2015

Lance Spitzner at the SANS Securing The Human program and I have a lot in common; we evangelize effective security awareness training and we both drive a Tesla. In his 22 December 2014 ...
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Nine Data Breaches That Cost Someone Their Job

Following last year’s big announcement of not just Target’s data breach but executive job loss, CSO lays out 9 data breaches resulting in job loss. They compare Target alongside other ...
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Scam of The Week: LinkedIn Greeting Cards Carrying Malware

System admins hold the keys to the kingdom. The NSA is actively hunting for system admin credentials. A popular way to get you to click on something that installs zero-day malware on your ...
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Hackers Spear-phish ICANN And Compromise DNS Zone System

It does not get any worse than this. Or better than this, if you are a criminal hacker. Domain-name management organization ICANN announced it has been hacked and its DNS zone ...
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Experts: The Human Factor Key Challenge To Information Security

The lack of awareness and understanding of risks is one of the biggest challenges to information security, according to a panel of experts. Research showed that 93% of data breaches ...
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Phishing Lessons Learned in 2014? Employee Training Matters

Our friends at Wombat created a good summary why security awareness training is a must these days. Why?
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Top 10 InfoSec Pain Points

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Sony The First To Be Hit With Destructive Payload

Sony has been hacked several times, and should have learned their lesson a while ago, but no. This time it is really bad though. Late yesterday the FBI warned U.S. business that the ...
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Savvy Hackers Use Spearphishing to steal Wall Street M&A info

What if you knew beforehand about mergers and acquisitions, and could trade with that inside information? Well that's been going on for more than a year.
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Scam Of The Week: "Shipping Problem"

We have Black Friday and Cyber Monday behind us. After losing ground to online competitors, brick-and-mortar retailers have struck back with incredible online deals. Wal-Mart said ...
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Homeland Security: Security Education Deterred Cybercrime

Homeland Security Today has a good article which explains that cybersecurity education, including employee training and awareness programs, is vital in deterring cybercrime. The ...
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Software Support Cybercrime Scam

This week the FTC shut down a $120M tech support scam that consumer software buyers should be aware of. Two telemarketing firms were at the center of this FTC investigation, but there are ...
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Associated Press just reported that the State Department has taken the unprecedented step of shutting down its entire unclassified email system as technicians repair possible damage from ...
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New Flavor of Ransomware Is More User Friendly

It's been more than a year since the first vicious ransomware stuck up its ugly head.
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Small business thinks workers are weak cybersecurity link

The poll was conducted by Spiceworks Voice of IT on behalf of CloudEntr in September. The study collected 438 surveys from IT professionals at companies with 20 to 499 employees in ...
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SCAM of the Week: Free Pizza Delivers Malware

There is a current, active cybercrime campaign going, using the tempting lure of free pizza, researchers at Cloudmark warned. They spotted new spam emails claiming to be a campaign from ...
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Home Depot Hackers Also Steal 53 Million Email Addresses

As if it wasn't bad enough to lose 56 million credit card accounts, now Home Depot has to admit it also lost 53 million email addresses. This gives the bad guys a fabulous opportunity to ...
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PCI Publishes Guidance On Security Awareness Training

The Payment Card Industry Council thinks Security Awareness Training is so important that they just published a 25-page guidance paper that fully explains the why, how and what of ...
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Koler Android Ransomware Now Spreads in U.S. as Text Worm

Android phones have by far the largest market share, and thus are mobile malware target #1. There is now a new variant of the Koler malware that spreads itself via text messages and holds ...
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