Security Awareness Training Blog

Security Awareness Training Blog

Read the latest news about security awareness training, best practices, why you need it, and what happens when you don't have it in place.

When do end-users click on phishing links?

We had a data scientist take a look at more than 4 years of aggregated clicking data and he came up with some interesting results, expressed in graphs. Here are some of the highlights:
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World's Most Famous Hacker Raises $8 Million To Play In Billion Dollar Security Awareness Training Market

Hi Guys, this is too good to miss. Check out this brand new article in Forbes Magazine. They started out with:
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FDIC Warns Banks To Beef Up Cyber Security

I found a very interesting article at the ValueWalk site about the FDIC requiring banks to improve their cyber security, they started out with:
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Scam Of The Week: Your Stolen iPhone Has Been Found

Between 3 and 4 million smartphones are stolen every year. It's your modern-day purse snatching. Many people put their entire private and work lives on these devices that can cost up to ...
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Files Lost Forever Due To Buggy Ransomware

Researchers discovered a sample of ransomware that damages files permanently. The malicious code is based on the work of Turkish Oktu Sen security researchers, who last year made their ...
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Cyber criminals release hard to recognize social engineering scam.

Jerome Segura, a senior security researcher over at our friends at Malwarebytes reported about a new, in-the-wild tech support scam that has moved from Amazon Web Services to Rackspace's ...
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Data Breach Caused By Phishing Results in $750,000 HIPAA Penalty

Federal regulators have hit the University of Washington Medicine with a $750,000 penalty and a corrective action plan as part of a HIPAA settlement after a 2013 malware-related breach ...
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The Top 5 Reasons To Invest In Cyber Security

Here's a quick condensed overview, which you can use as bullet points in your 2016 budget discussion. Today, successful data breaches happen on a daily basis. The frequency of the attacks ...
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When Your Corporate Culture Frowns On Mock Phishing Attacks

Now and then, when I talk to the IT people in larger organizations, they tell me they experience political headwinds in trying to get an awareness program rolled out that includes ...
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KnowBe4 and Kevin Mitnick Featured in USA Today Cybersecurity Supplement

We recently participated in USA Today's “Cyber Security” campaign that aims to encourage readers to recognize the importance of cyber security in their personal, financial and business ...
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Apple's OS X Security Honeymoon Is Over

Unfortunately, bad guys are business people too. Their time is money, and they follow market leaders. By now, Apple's market share of desktop computers is close to 17 percent. OS X, ...
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Healthcare pros do not get enough security awareness training

Healthcare pros surprisingly get very little security awareness training. Only 38 percent of these employees get security training at least twice a year -- 49 percent get training once a ...
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Postal employees fall to internal phishing sting

Aaron Boyd wrote: "Determined not to fall victim to another network breach, the U.S. Postal Service is phishing its own employees, testing their ability to recognize a scam before it's ...
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Near-flawless Social Engineering attack spoiled by single flaw

Steve Ragan at CSO has a great story about a CEO Fraud social engineering attack that was caught just in time because the employees were given effective security awareness training. This ...
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Fixing the #1 Problem in Computer Security: A Data-Driven Defense

This is a great whitepaper you can download for free at Microsoft written by IT Security Guru Roger Grimes. Here is the Executive Summary: "Many companies do not appropriately align ...
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Report: Phishing costs average organization $3.7 million per year

If you extrapolate the total annual cost of phishing for the average organization it comes to more than $3.7 million. You could shave that down by $1.8 million though, with the right ...
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Breaking News: Got Hacked? The FTC Can Now Sue You

For organizations that get hacked like Anthem, Target and recently Ashley Madison, the problems are only starting. Apart from towering legal fees and a damaged reputation, now an appeals ...
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Pentagon Top Brass Spear-phished

The Pentagon divulged that its computer networks were penetrated by suspected Russian hackers using spear-phishing. The hackers got into their unclassified email network used by the Joint ...
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Phish or Be Phished? The Choice is Yours

By Guest Blogger Brad Mathis, Senior Consultant, Information Security It is mid-2015. By now, we have all seen incoming emails claiming we have been bequeathed a huge sum of money from a ...
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You Asked For Training Campaigns And We Built It For You

By far the most requested feature in the KnowBe4 console was Training Campaigns. We're excited to tell you they are here now, in version 5.2 of your console. When it comes to rolling out ...
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