Security Awareness Training Blog

Security Awareness Training Blog

Read the latest news about security awareness training, best practices, why you need it, and what happens when you don't have it in place.

How Mature is Your Security Awareness?

Here at KnowBe4, we believe the greatest defense against security threats is an organization with a strong security culture – one that elevates an employee’s awareness around threats, ...
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[Heads-up] Massive Downtime Caused By Bad Guys Killing Bank's 9,500+ Systems To Hide Stealing 10 Million Dollars Via SWIFT

A cyberattack against Banco De Chile (BDC)—that country's largest financial institution—bricked a hair-raising 9,000 workstations and 500 servers. However, killing these machines was ...
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Looking for a Job? Beware of Recruitment Sites!

There’s yet another reason to not let your employees go looking for a new job on company time: cybercriminals are now leveraging recruitment sites.
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New Study: 25% of employees use the same password for every account. AUGH!

Employees may be a company's greatest asset, but they also remain the greatest cyber security risk, according to a Monday report from OpenVPN.
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Why is Windows 10 Rapidly Gaining Ground in The Enterprise While Win7 Gets Ditched?

Duo Security is a provider of secure login/access tools, and they just released their yearly Trusted Access Report with some very interesting data. Here Is The Summary Stats gathered from ...
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Pop-Up Mobile Ads Surge as Sites Scramble to Stop Them

A recent surge in mobile pop-ups, even on reputable sites, has left people more frustrated than ever.
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More Security Awareness Training Market Perspectives

By Perry Carpenter, KnowBe4 Chief Evangelist and Strategy Officer A few weeks ago, I wrote about my thoughts regarding recent market moves by Microsoft, Wombat, PhishLine, and others. A ...
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[VIDEO] Avoid These 10 Common Security Awareness Training Program Fails

If you want to succeed with your organization's security awareness training program, here are some of the top "faux-pas" we have seen over the years that you should be sure to avoid:
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Be like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett: If you’re not spending 5 hours per week learning, you’re being irresponsible

I just found a fabulous post on Quartz. “In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn’t read all the time — none. Zero.” — Charlie Munger, ...
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How To Create A Security Culture in 2018

Ever heard: "If it was easy, everyone would do it" ? Creating a better security culture in your organization has a few challenges. Let's have a look at them, see how you can overcome ...
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10 Things You Shouldn't Include in Your Security Awareness Training Program

If you want to succeed with your organization's security awareness program, here are some of the top "faux-pas" you should be sure to avoid. Here are some of the errors we have seen over ...
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The Top 5 Reasons Why You Need To Deploy New-school Security Awareness Training In 2018

2017 was a dumpster fire of privacy and security screw-ups. To implement a simple, effective, IT security strategy will help your CEO to keep their job in 2018. Better yet, thousands of ...
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[On-Demand Webinar] Counter the Careless Click: Tools to help you train your users

Cybercriminals are successfully and consistently exploiting human nature to accomplish their goals. Employee training is tied as the third-most-effective method (higher than antivirus) of ...
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Phishing Schemes Are Using Encrypted Sites To Seem Legit

WIRED wrote: "A MASSIVE EFFORT to encrypt web traffic over the last few years has made green padlocks and "https" addresses increasingly common; more than half the web now uses internet ...
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KnowBe4 Wins Frost & Sullivan Cyber Security Awareness Training Platform Customer Value Leadership Award

I'm extremely pleased to tell you we have won a prestigious award. Frost & Sullivan is a global research and consulting firm and they recently announced that we received their 2017 ...
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Proposed New Legislation: "Security Awareness Training For Your Users Or Go To Jail"?

OK, it may be hyberbole, but since 91% of data breaches are caused by successful spear phishing attacks, it's not entirely crazy to say: "security awareness training your users or go to ...
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New CyberThreat Survey Confirms: Biggest Security Obstacle Is Low User Security Awareness

The CyberEdge Group is an award-winning research firm that serves information security vendors and service providers. They recently surveyed 1,100 qualified IT security decision makers ...
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Yahoo Hacker Arrested And Admits Working for The Russians

The Kazakhstan-born Canadian citizen Karim Baratov (22) has pleaded guilty to massive 2014 Yahoo hack that affected three billion accounts. He admitted that he generally spearphished his ...
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Stolen Passwords Of FTSE 100 Employees Tripled In 2017

The Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 share index is an average of share prices in the 100 largest, most actively traded companies on the London Stock Exchange. IT security vendor ...
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Watch Out For Black Newsjacking: FOSCAM camera poisoned search results

Security researchers frequently report on vulnerable IoT devices. Cisco's Talos group just reported that Foscam video cams have a security risk. We did a Google search on Foscam Indoor ...
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