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Spy Vs. Spy? WikiLeaks Says CIA Impersonated Kaspersky Lab

Wow, the plot thickens. Attribution indeed is a very murky business. According to WikiLeaks, its analysis revealed that by using these fake certificates, the CIA made it look like data ...
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How to sell cybersecurity to your executive team

Scott Schlimmer wrote a great post at CSO about the constant battle between profitable business investments and “unprofitable” security investments to protect the current bottom-line.
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Fancy Bear Goes Phishing For DC Cybersecurity Conference Attendees

Want to target a large swath of cybersecurity professionals in one go? Just crash their "cyber" party with a decoy document. So goes the modus operandi for an advanced persistent threat ...
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New Worry For CEOs: A Career-Ending Cybersecurity Breach

Corporate chiefs get more involved in defense against hackers, fearing a cybersecurity breach could cost their jobs, hurt their businesses. Vanessa Fuhnmans wrote an excellent heads-up ...
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This Week's Five Most Popular HackBusters Posts Sept 16

There is an enormous amount of noise in the security space, so how do you know what people really talk about and think is the most important topic? Well, we created the Hackbusters site ...
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Microsoft Wakes Up To The Fact That Cyber Security Risk Is A Business Risk [VIDEO]

The 800-pound Redmond Gorilla asks: "Should your security focus be on systems or people?" They wrote: "In the latest Modern Workplace episode, “Cyber Intelligence—The Human Element,” we ...
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Survey of 2600 IT Pros: "Password Procedures Still Are A Cyber Security Fail"

After the NIST passwords bombshell, we surveyed 2,600 IT professionals to find out how they were managing passwords. The answers show that IT Pros are generally receptive to the proposed ...
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The Cyber Security Of Our Electricity Grid

Guest Blogger Craig Reeds commented on the safety of our Electricity Grid. "Over the last couple of years, there has been a lot of discussion about the security of the electric grid. We ...
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Tripwire Black Hat Survey: "68% of Pros Felt Cyber Security Lacking After WannaCry & Petya Attacks"

Over two-thirds of Infosec Pros who were asked at Black Hat if they felt their organizations had made the necessary cyber security improvements since the WannaCry and Petya attacks ...
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43% of C-suite execs name cybersecurity as No. 1 operational challenge

A global survey over 400 C-suite execs by the management consulting firm A.T. Kearney showed that cybersecurity (43 percent) is the top operational challenge they faced. Also, a whopping ...
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Cyber Security Pros Work Weekends And Still Feel Unprepared

Recent surveys by Farsight and Anomali find that 57% of InfoSec pros work weekends, and nearly a third of survey respondents noted they work on average 10-hour days, but also, one in ...
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UN Report Shows the Whole World Needs a Cybersecurity Upgrade. Oh, Really...

Joseph Steinberg at Inc. Mag wrote : "A UN report released this week shows that despite global awareness of the proliferation of cybercrime and cyber-spying, many nations - including some ...
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Security Awareness Training Can Lower Your Cyberinsurance Premium

New-school security awareness training might even pay for itself from Day 1! How? Call your cybersecurity insurance carrier or agent and specifically ask if you get a discount on the ...
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Federal Contractor? Insider Threat Training Deadline June 1- Don't Lose Your Clearance

Insider Threat Training Requirement for US Gov't Contractors (Deadline May 31, 2017) SANS just alerted US federal contractors that wish to maintain their clearances must have completed an ...
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How A Fake Cybersecurity Statistic Raced Through Washington

Nextgov wrote: "It’s the kind of figure that can make your jaw drop, the kind that forces lawmakers and public officials to get off their duffs and do something, that drives home the way ...
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How Good Is Antivirus Software At Protecting Itself? 32 Products Tested:

For the third time now, the experts at AV-TEST examined a large number of the security software applications on the market in terms of how well they protect themselves. The focus was on ...
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Warren Buffett: "Cyber Security Is The Number One Problem With Mankind".

Business Insider just wrote: "Warren Buffett sees cyber attacks as a bigger threat to humanity than nuclear weapons. "I'm very pessimistic on weapons of mass destruction generally ...
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Cyber Security: “We have met the enemy and it is us.”

By Laura DiDio, Principal at ITIC, a research and consulting firm based in the Boston area. “We have met the enemy and it is us.” This quote aptly describes the current state of security ...
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UK Cybersecurity Report: "Ransomware Is Urgent Issue"

Today, the UK Government issued a comprehensive report called: "Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2017" and covered the skyrocketing ransomware infections. The report highlighted: "The ...
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The three ‘B’s’ of cybersecurity for small businesses

I just found a great article by Scott Shackelford, Associate Professor of Business Law and Ethics; Director, Ostrom Workshop Program on Cybersecurity and Internet Governance; ...
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