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Cybercrime Blog

We report on the latest trends in cybercrime to help you stay informed and aware of what the current threat landscape looks like.


Associated Press just reported that the State Department has taken the unprecedented step of shutting down its entire unclassified email system as technicians repair possible damage from ...
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Home Depot Hackers Also Steal 53 Million Email Addresses

As if it wasn't bad enough to lose 56 million credit card accounts, now Home Depot has to admit it also lost 53 million email addresses. This gives the bad guys a fabulous opportunity to ...
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The Next Advanced Cybercrime Service

Here is a mock-up ad for a new real service that became available for cyber criminals recently:
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Koler Android Ransomware Now Spreads in U.S. as Text Worm

Android phones have by far the largest market share, and thus are mobile malware target #1. There is now a new variant of the Koler malware that spreads itself via text messages and holds ...
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Ad-borne Cryptowall Ransomware Claims Fresh Victims

The phones have been ringing off the hook here at KnowBe4. Not customers of ours but people that were hit with CryptoWall V2.0, needed bitcoin urgently, did a websearch and wound up with ...
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What's -Really- The #1 Hot Security Topic?

There is an enormous amount of noise in the security space, so how do you know what people really talk about and think is the most important topic? Well, we created the Hackbusters site ...
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Survey Finds Half of Holiday Shoppers Will Avoid Hacked Stores

Huffington Post Survey: "As another holiday shopping frenzy nears, a new survey suggests that many consumers plan to avoid the growing number of retailers that have been hacked.
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Russian Cybercrime Rakes In $2.5 Billion These Last 12 Months

There is a Russian outfit called Group-IB. They released a report October 15th which goes into great detail on how Russian cybercrime makes its money. The picture is not pretty but very ...
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Ransomware hits admin workstation and kills 7 servers

I wanted to share a horror story with you, something that happened to somebody the day before yesterday. This is what happened in their own words:
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Why All This Russian Cybercrime in Five Minutes

We all know that a large amount of cybercrime originates in Russia and other eastern European countries that were former USSR states. But why is that? I decided to dig into this and did ...
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Poll: Employees Clueless About Social Engineering

Fresh from Dark reading: "When it comes to social engineering, Pogo, the central character of a long-running American comic strip, said it best. "We have met the enemy and he is us."
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Who Is The Most Dangerous Cyber Celebrity of 2014?

No, it's not who you think. In recent year it was always a female celebrity like Emma Watson, Heidi Klum or Cameron Diaz that lured web surfers to sites laced with malware. At the end of ...
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Latest Anti Phishing Working Group Report

The latest APWG report came out: "Phishers are criminal, but they do make rational decisions about how to go about their work. They’re in it for the money, and they work to make their ...
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Home Depot Hack Turns Into Criminal Negligence Scandal

Wait for the class-actions lawsuits to get unleashed. The lawyers are going to be over this one like white on rice. Ex-employees from the Home Depot IT technology group are now claiming ...
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Home Depot Hit By Same Russian Hackers As Target

Right after the Target Hack, C-level execs at Home Depot Inc. put together a task force to prevent being the victim of a similar attack. The task force recommended to fully encrypt ...
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We Are At War In The Digital World

I just read an opinion editorial in the Wall Street Journal that really did clarify the new threat we are faced with this last decade. "Ten years ago, the 9/11 Commission Report triggered ...
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Cyber Criminals Use AEA-256 Crypto To Obfuscate Phishing Sites

The Register said: "Well, at least someone listened to Snowden about privacy... Phishing fraudsters have begun using industry-standard AES-256 encryption to disguise the content of ...
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New Ransomware Discovered Called CryptoGraphic Locker

Panda researcher BartBlaze discovered a new strain of ransomware called CryptoGraphic Locker. Bleepingcomputer wrote: "Just like other encrypting ransomware, this infection will scan your ...
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Is The Home Depot Hack Really Russian Retaliation?

Brian Krebs blogged: "Multiple banks say they are seeing evidence that Home Depot stores may be the source of a massive new batch of stolen credit and debit cards that went on sale this ...
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Scam Of The Week: Jennifer Lawrence Nude Pictures Phishing

There is a new (true) Current Event which unfortunately is the ultimate click bait. A hacker got into the Apple iCloud and hacked the account of Jennifer Lawrence and many other celebs.
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