Security Awareness Training Blog

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Scam Of The Week: LinkedIn Support Phishing Emails

The scam is at least 15 years old if not more, but unfortunately this type of social engineering still works. Remind your users one more time that emails like this can hit their inbox at ...
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FBI Alert: Ransomware Infection Leads To Wire Transfer Fraud

OK, Heads-up! Here is the deal. The FBI and the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) two days ago warned about a new version of a man-in-the-middle scam that targets your CEO, CTO, CFO, ...
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Scam Of The Week: ISIS Attack / 12Mil New Malwares Per Month

Scam Of The Week: ISIS Attack It is a mystery that bad guys have not jumped on this in higher volume. However, a major malware phishing campaign claiming ISIS attacks, has been found in ...
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Scam Of The Week: ISIS Attack

It is a mystery that bad guys have not jumped on this in higher volume. However, a major malware phishing campaign claiming ISIS attacks is out in the wild at the moment in Australia.
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NY Times: North Koreans hacked Sony with spear-phishing attacks.

The next revelation about the Sony Picture hack: The NSA was already inside the North Korean's networks and could have warned Sony about the pending attack.
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Review: Movie BlackHat go see it

I've been looking forward to this one and I was not disappointed. If you like slow-burn high-tech thrillers please go see this movie in the theater because it is worth it. I give it an 8 ...
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Train Employees And Cut Cyber Risks Up To 70 Percent

It's a well-known fact that employees are the weakest link in IT security. There is good news though! New research from our friends at Wombat Security Technologies and the Aberdeen Group ...
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AV-TEST: "There are now 12 million new malware variants per month"

The AV-Test reported that they found 143 Million new malware samples in 2014 and 12 million new variants per month.
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CyberheistNews Vol 5 #2 Jan 13, 2015 Your Blog Scam Of The Week: Court Notice Email

Scam Of The Week: Court Notice Email There is a current malware email campaign claiming to be from law firm 'Baker & McKenzie' that states you are scheduled to appear in court and ...
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CryptoWall 2.1 First Multiplatform Ransomware?

There is a new version of CryptoWall out in the wild that I have dubbed "Version 2.1" because it has some powerful new features. Researchers at Cisco's Talos group published an analysis ...
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Antivirus Isn't Dead, It Just Can't Keep Up

A few months ago, a company called LastLine Labs published some explosive data about antivirus products. They studied hundreds of thousands of pieces of malware for a year, and tracked ...
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Ransomware on CBS This Morning

January 9, 2015 - CBS This Morning News ran an item about ransomware featuring Shawn Henry, former FBI executive assistant director and president of cyber security firm CrowdStrike ...
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KnowBe4 Expands 397 Percent Year Over Year

Hi All, I have some very good news I want to share.
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Size Does Not Matter For Cybercrime

Most small- and medium business owners think that they are not a target for cybercrime. Well, if you think you are safe because you are just a little fish in a big pond, think again. ...
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The Six Biggest Security Threats We’ll Face in 2015

CyberheistNews Vol 5 #1 Jan 6, 2015 Kim Zetter did her homework and extrapolated for WIRED magazine the current threats and looked at how they would unfold in the coming 12 months. She ...
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Cybersecurity Top Risk Consideration In Board Room

The Wall Street Journal polled its readers and asked them to rate the top compliance issues of 2014. The answers were very interesting!
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Schneier: Sony Hackers May Have Had Inside Help

Well-known IT Security guru Bruce Schneier commented on recent discoveries related to the Sony Hack. First of all, an analysis of the timestamps on some of the leaked documents shows that ...
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Defense In Depth: Your Answer To Social Engineering

Organizations defend their networks on each of the six levels in the green graph you see. End-user Internet Security Awareness Training resides in the outer layer: ‘Policies, Procedures, ...
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New ransomware called "extortionware" in 2015? Not so much...

TK Keanini, CTO, Lancope wrote a 2015 Predictions editorial over at SC Magazine. He said he expects more malware like CryptoLocker and CryptoWall over the next 12 months, but also ...
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A new strain of "ransomware" is striking

Mitch Lipka of CBS Moneywatch wrote:
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