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CyberheistNews Vol 4 #48 Spike In Hoax News Spreading Malware

CyberheistNews Vol 4 #48 Dec 16, 2014
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Breaking News 2 New Ransomware Strains

#1 OphionLocker The first one is a new strain of ransomware named OphionLocker. It encrypts your data using strong open source Crypto++ Elliptical Curve Cryptography and then ransoms the ...
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Experts: The Human Factor Key Challenge To Information Security

The lack of awareness and understanding of risks is one of the biggest challenges to information security, according to a panel of experts. Research showed that 93% of data breaches ...
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Ransomware Beats APT In Terms Of Severe Impact

MalwareBytes Research showed that in the year 2014, 82% of companies were attacked online. Their research also showed that browser vulnerabilities will be the biggest challenge going ...
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Phishing Quiz: Can You Spot A Scam? Don't Be So Sure

Phishing Quiz: Can You Spot A Scam? Don't Be So Sure CBSNews wrote: "Phishing emails have gotten so convincing that even the experts can be taken in by a well-crafted fake. That's what ...
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Scam Of The Week: Spike In Hoax News Spreading Malware

The year 2014 has seen a boom on hoax news stories, as these are particularly successful social engineering tactics used by hackers to get people to click on links, and worse, share the ...
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Ransomware on National Public Radio: To Pay Or Not To Pay?

Aarti Shahani, the tech reporter of National Public Radio created a compelling story about the scourge of ransomware that is taking over America. The title of the story is:
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eWeek Alerts IT Pros About Self-Replicating Ransomware

Wayne Rash at eWeek picked up on the virRansom news and explained to his readers that this is a nasty new hybrid ransomware strain that needs to be protected against rather sooner than ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 4 #47 New Hybrid Ransomware Replicates Like A Virus

Heads Up! New Hybrid Ransomware Replicates Like A Virus Here is a powerful piece of ammo to get (more) IT Security budget. SophosLabs labs' blog reported about a new Ransomware strain ...
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How Was Sony Pictures Hacked?

Kevin Mandia, who was hired as the forensics expert wrote in a letter to Sony's CEO that the breach was unprecedented, well-planned and carried out by an "organized group". It's the most ...
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Phishing Lessons Learned in 2014? Employee Training Matters

Our friends at Wombat created a good summary why security awareness training is a must these days. Why?
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Top 10 InfoSec Pain Points

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Shipping Problem Phishing Attacks Here Is How They Look

Last CyberheistNews issue, we warned that Black Friday and Cyber Monday were behind us, and that criminal hackers have a "scam calendar" which focuses on major shopping events exactly ...
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Heads Up! Nasty New Hybrid Strain: The AIDS of Ransomware

Here is a powerful piece of ammo to get (more) IT Security budget.
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Sony The First To Be Hit With Destructive Payload

Sony has been hacked several times, and should have learned their lesson a while ago, but no. This time it is really bad though. Late yesterday the FBI warned U.S. business that the ...
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Savvy Hackers Use Spearphishing to steal Wall Street M&A info

What if you knew beforehand about mergers and acquisitions, and could trade with that inside information? Well that's been going on for more than a year.
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Scam Of The Week: "Shipping Problem"

We have Black Friday and Cyber Monday behind us. After losing ground to online competitors, brick-and-mortar retailers have struck back with incredible online deals. Wal-Mart said ...
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Homeland Security: Security Education Deterred Cybercrime

Homeland Security Today has a good article which explains that cybersecurity education, including employee training and awareness programs, is vital in deterring cybercrime. The ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 4 #46 "New Stuxnet" Discovered Called Regin

CyberheistNews Vol 4 #46 Nov 25, 2014
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