Security Awareness Training Blog

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The Cybercrime Fight Continues

Over the years we have seen an escalating number of spear-phishing attacks. Part of the increase may actually be due to increased reporting, however, I suspect that even in the criminal ...
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China Claims It’s a Cybercrime Victim Too!

[caption id="attachment_1250" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="cybercrime victims"][/caption] You know cybercrime is getting worse when the Chinese claim to be victims! Boohoo, ...
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If The Cops Can Get Hacked, Then So Can Your Organization

[caption id="attachment_1242" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Cops Get Hacked"][/caption] Anonymous continued its cyber-attacks against law enforcement agencies to protest recent ...
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We Need Some Real Cybercrime Fighters!

[caption id="attachment_1234" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="cybercrime fighters"][/caption] The international community has failed to address the real nature and extent of the ...
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Cybercrime and Espionage

[caption id="attachment_1225" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Shadowy Espionage"][/caption] The world's most extensive case of cybercrime-espionage, including attacks on U.S. ...
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The Changing Face of Cybercrime

Once upon a time being the victim of theft meant that someone picked your pocket, grabbed your purse and ran, or robbed your home. They were there and then gone, along with your ...
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Cybercrime – a growing expense for all organizations

[caption id="attachment_1203" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Cybercrime Costs Rising"][/caption] Cybercrime cost corporations 56 percent more this year than last, according to an ...
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FBI Apprehends International Cybercrime Rings

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has managed to apprehend two international cybercrime rings that were peddling scareware. The scareware was directed towards numerous victims by ...
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Cybercrime Soon to Be FBI #1 Priority

The FBI said that cybercrime is the agency's No. 3 priority but it will likely rise to No. 1 in a few years. FBI Supervisory Special Agent Robert White said that criminals always find new ...
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Cybercrime Crimewave Hits Churches

Cybercriminals are truly criminals and are the antithesis of the Robin Hood criminal of storybooks. Stealing money raised by a church to help homeless and abused women is pretty low. But ...
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Cybercrime Profit from Norway Tragedy

Within 24 hours of the recent bombing and shootings in Norway, Internet thieves were committing cybercrimes by sending out phishing emails to collect donations to aid victims. ...
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Protecting Your Organization from Cybercrime

[caption id="attachment_1162" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="orangized cybercrime"][/caption] Following is an excerpt from an article by Rockie Brockway, Security Practice ...
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A True Story of Organized Cybercrime

[caption id="attachment_1156" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Hackerville, Romania"][/caption] Following is an excerpt from a fascinating but very scary story that affects s all of ...
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June was a Busy Month for Cybercriminals

[caption id="attachment_1150" align="alignleft" width="192" caption="cybercriminals"][/caption] Last month Russian cybercriminals tried their luck at “making money for nothing” using the ...
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Five Generations of Cybercrime

It helps to understand more about the history of hacking, when you need to defend yourself or your organization against cybercrime.
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Federal Law Overhaul Needed to Fight Today’s Cybercrime

[caption id="attachment_1132" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Congressional Law Makers"][/caption] In mid-May, the Obama administration called on Congress to expand the definition ...
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Today’s Organizational Cyber Security Challenge

[caption id="attachment_1126" align="alignleft" width="160" caption="cyber security"][/caption] The most challenging cybercrime attacks exploit human vulnerabilities rather than ...
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Ohio’s Cybercrime Woes

A look at cyberheists and other cybercrimes in Ohio recently shows more than 25,000 private records from school districts, hospitals, retirement benefits firms and others have been ...
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Cybercrime Statistics are Bad, But No one Agrees How Bad…

[caption id="attachment_1115" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="cybercrime statistical chart"][/caption] The news media, the government, and countless Internet security organizations ...
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National and Local Government Debate Cybercrime Issues

From the White House to Congress, federal leaders are looking at a range of policy options to bolster the United States’ ability to thwart Internet threats ranging from cybercrime to ...
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