Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

SNAFU Some AV Tools Cause BSODs And Boot Failures After Meltdown Patches

Microsoft's patch to protect Windows computers from the Meltdown / Spectre "hardware bug" revealed the rootkit-like nature of many antivirus tools. Some AV products are incompatible with ...
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KnowBe4 Explosive Year-Over-Year Sales Increase of 255% for Q4 2017

We are excited to report a blow-out Q4, this is the 19th consecutive quarter increase! The continued accelerated growth we’ve seen this quarter is due in part to our exceptional focus on ...
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KnowBe4 Fresh Content Update & New Features Summary

First, I wanted to send you a note of our deep gratitude for your trust in us. We have worked really hard to create a powerful, yet super easy platform that we hope you love. How can we ...
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Scam Of The Week: Fake Meltdown And Spectre Patch Phishing Emails

We sent out some warnings and advisories last week about Spectre and Meltdown, but we want to remind everyone again about some steps you can take to protect yourself. Remember that the ...
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10 Things You Shouldn't Include in Your Security Awareness Training Program

If you want to succeed with your organization's security awareness program, here are some of the top "faux-pas" you should be sure to avoid. Here are some of the errors we have seen over ...
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How To Explain Meltdown And Spectre To Your C-Level and employees

OK, 2018 has just started and it has totally borked all networks in the whole world. That's a fine mess we're in to start off the year. :-) Meltdown and Spectre are CPU hardware design ...
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One surprising statistic explains why phishing will remain the most common cyberattack for the next few years

Phishing will remain the primary email attack vector through 2020. A new report from Comodo Security Threat Lab's VP, Fatih Orhan, brings up an interesting statistic from Friedrich ...
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Book Review: A Data-Driven Computer Security Defense: THE Computer Security Defense You Should Be Using

Excellent book about InfoSec that has everything you need to know and nothing you don't. A Data-Driven Computer Security Defense: THE Computer Security Defense You Should Be Using by ...
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Which EU 2018 Directive Is More Important Than GDPR?

If you have sales offices in Europe, or full subsidiaries, you need to be aware of the NIS directive. Peter Dekker at Enisa warned about the following: During 2017, the GDPR buzz reached ...
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Report: Most Government Agencies Vulnerable To Phishing

Nearly half of federal agency email domains have adopted policies to collect data on unauthorized emails, a move mandated by the Department of Homeland Security in October, according to a ...
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Chinese Cybercrime Develops Lucrative Hacking Services

The McAfee blog gave an interesting perspective on an area we do not look at too closely normally. Underground cybercrime profits in China have likely already exceeded US$15.1 billion ...
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An inventive YouTube moderator phishing scam

Full marks for inventiveness If you have a YouTube channel, and have had your fill of sifting through the vile torrent of abusive comments left on your video masterpieces, you can invite ...
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"123456" Remains Most Common Password Found in Data Dumps in 2017

For the second year in a row, "123456" remained the top password among the millions of cleartext passwords exposed online thanks to data breach incidents at various providers. While ...
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Scam Of The Week: New Massive Data Breach Poses Major Threat

Here’s a fun question to pose to the family dinner table: Have you ever heard of Alteryx? 100 to 1 you never heard of them, but chances are good that they have heard of you. Alteryx is a ...
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Nearly 250,000 user logins are being hacked every week and become phishing targets

A research team from Google collaborated with the cybersecurity experts from the University of California, Berkeley to scrutinize the activities of these online miscreants. After about 1 ...
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The Top 5 Reasons Why You Need To Deploy New-school Security Awareness Training In 2018

2017 was a dumpster fire of privacy and security screw-ups. To implement a simple, effective, IT security strategy will help your CEO to keep their job in 2018. Better yet, thousands of ...
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CEO Fraud Costs Major Airline Millions Of Dollars

This week the international carrier Japan Airlines (JAL) admitted it had fallen victim to CEO Fraud that cost it 384 million yen (about $3.39 million). The incidents took place in ...
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