New Training Module: Safe Travels for Road Warriors


I'm excited to announce a new module that has been quite some time in the making!

A 12-minute animated course with lots of interactivity for those that travel for business—and some very helpful tips for personal travel too.

We believe this is a very good new module, we have been working on internally for a long time, with input from experts like Kevin Mitnick.

Here is what the employee steps through as they do the module:



The purpose of this courses is to make learners aware of the latest threats to security for the modern traveling business person. This course will also provide strategies and practice advice for traveling safely.

The module objectives are:

Be aware of the latest potential security pitfalls when traveling for business (and some tips you should consider personally)

  • Know how to properly prepare for a business trip and avoid exposure of business, client, or even personal information.
  • Strategies and practical steps that can be taken to mitigate security concerns that can arise while traveling.

Printable resources—and I suggest you grab the PDF from the module, print and laminate it and give it to all your frequent travelers. It's the whole module summarized on just one page, incredibly handy. If you are not a KnowBe4 customer yet, here is the PDF as a free job aid you can give to your employees. 

Resource 1: Safe Travel Checklist PDF/downloadable

Resource 2: Don't Be This Guy

We strongly recommend to step Board members, C-levels, and any business traveler through these 12 minutes. I guarantee that even the most savvy road warriors will learn a few new tricks!




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