Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

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Aaaaand... You're fired (thanks to phishing)

The BBC has a cautionary tale for pretty much everyone who uses email. It’s the story of a finance director who was sacked after falling for a phishing scam disguised as a message from ...
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Forbes Technology Group: Training Your Employees Ranks #2 In Preventing Ransomware Attacks

Forbes wrote a great article about protecting your organization against ransomware. Despite all the funds spent on state-of-the-art security software, the bad guys are always just one ...
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Phishing attacks use undocumented MS Office feature to leak system profile data

An undocumented Microsoft Office feature allows attackers to gather sensitive configuration details on targeted systems simply by sending a phishing email and social engineering victims ...
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The CCleaner app, designed for good cyber hygiene, was itself infected with a backdoor by hackers

Cisco's TALOS security researchers discovered a devious way to infect millions of machines. They said: "Supply chain attacks are a very effective way to distribute malicious software into ...
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This Week's Five Most Popular HackBusters Posts Sept 16

There is an enormous amount of noise in the security space, so how do you know what people really talk about and think is the most important topic? Well, we created the Hackbusters site ...
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VEVO Data Breach Caused By LinkedIn Phishing Attack

A Vevo spokesperson told Gizmodo that the company “can confirm that Vevo experienced a data breach as a result of a phishing scam via Linkedin. We have addressed the issue and are ...
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"Large Enterprises Spend Nearly $300K Per Year On Security Awareness Training." Really?

Security company Bromium put out a press release asking publicly: "Large Enterprises Spend Nearly $300K Per Year On Security Education, So Why Are Endpoint Attacks More Successful Than ...
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U.S. Govt Orders Purge Of Kaspersky Products From Its Networks

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration on Wednesday told U.S. government agencies to remove Kaspersky Lab products from their networks, saying it was concerned the Moscow-based ...
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Ransomware Can Destroy Backups In Four Ways

I just found a very interesting blog post by Jerome Wendt, President & Lead Analyst of DCIG, Inc., an independent storage analyst and consulting firm.
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​Trend Micro: CEOs Are The Most Spoofed

Trend Micro researchers reported that cybercriminals spoofed the CEO email address the most, with CFOs and finance directors being the top attack targets. In their 2017 Midyear Security ...
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CyberheistNews Vol 7 #36 Scam of the Week: Equifax Phishing Attacks

CyberheistNews | KnowBe4
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Scam Of The Week: Equifax Phishing Attacks

You already know that a 143 million Equifax records were compromised. The difference with this one is that a big-three credit bureau like Equifax tracks so much personal and sometimes ...
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Equifax Reports Data Breach Possibly Impacting 143 Million U.S. Consumers

The Wall Street Journal just reported that Credit-reporting company Equifax Inc. disclosed Thursday that hackers gained access to some of its systems, compromising the personal ...
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Phishing Attack With PowerPoint Attachment Bypasses User Access Control

Fortinet researchers discovered a malicious PowerPoint file which currently is used to attack diplomats, United Nations- and government organizations worldwide. This will soon filter down ...
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These 4 Maps Will Make You Understand Russia's Aggressive Cyber Attacks

There are many kinds of maps, they can show roads or general geography, but sometimes they shed light on other dimensions like economic, political and/or military perspectives. First of ...
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A Phishing Attack in the Clouds May Rain On Your Parade

According to MeriTalk, an editorial and events organization that focuses on Federal IT and government computing technologies, governments are moving some, or all of their IT to the Cloud, ...
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MacEwan University Victim Of $11.8M CEO Fraud

CBC News reported that an Edmonton, Canada university was the victim of a $11.8 million CEO fraud attack after staff failed to call one of its vendors to verify whether emails requesting ...
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Vote For KnowBe4 At The 2017 Computing Security Awards!

KnowBe4 made it as Finalist in the 2017 Computing Security Awards, and we'd be eternally grateful if you could vote for us in the category "Education and Training Provider of the Year". ...
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