Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

How did the Ukraine become a Hotbed of Criminal Hacking?

The New York Times came out with a great backgrounder why the Ukraine is such a hotbed for cyber criminals like Gennadi Kapkanov, 33, a Russian-born Ukrainian hacker, the man suspected of ...
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The Notorious Dark Overlord Mafia Escalates their Ransomware Threat

News has surfaced that the overseas Dark Overlord cyber mafia struck again and penetrated the Columbia Falls School Board system with ransomware. The seven-page ransom letter was filled ...
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New Phishing Report: 90% of IT Execs Worry Most About Email Threats

Our colleagues at Phishme released the results of their US Phishing Response Trends Report, which looked at the phishing response strategies of two hundred senior IT security ...
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New Survey: IT Security Spending Is Up, But Security Is Not, Ransomware Is The Biggest Worry

The second-annual Cyren-Osterman Research U.S. security survey shows a significant disconnect between rising IT security spending and a low level of confidence in current protection, ...
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Two Important KnowBe4 Product Updates

1) KnowBe4 Announces Powerful New Feature: Smart Groups We have added a powerful new feature, Smart Groups, that will help you automate the path your employees take to smarter security ...
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KnowBe4’s Record Q3 2017 Performance Fueled by Innovation and Increased Demand

Some excellent news. We announced record results for our Q3 2017, sales were 2.63X greater than Q3 2016. Q3 2017 marks our 18th straight quarter of growth, driven by an increasing ...
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Bitdefender Creates Ransomware Recognition Tool

The AV vendor created a free tool to help ransomware victims find which family and sub-version of ransomware has encrypted their data and then get the appropriate decryption tool, if it ...
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Whole Foods Point Of Sale Data Breach. Did Amazon Buy An Organic Lemon?

Uh Oh. They just announced. Generally it's the tip of the iceberg, and then over time more details are released that show it was muuuch worse than initially expected. Looks like Amazon ...
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New Locky Ransomware Strain Evades Machine Learning Security Software

Here is the latest tactic in the cat-and-mouse game between cybercrime and security software vendors. The bad guys have come up with new a ransomware phishing attack, tricking users to ...
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Europol warns ransomware has taken cybercrime ‘to another level’

Europol, the European Union’s police agency, has warned of the significantly rising threat posed by ransomware. As Associated Press reports, delegates at an international conference were ...
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Data points from Risk IQ Q2 Phishing Roundup

Threat Management Provider Risk IQ released data comparing the use of top 10 brands names in Phishing attacks from Q1 and Q2, 2017. The report doesn’t name the top ten brands favored by ...
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Scam of The Week: "Fake-tortion" Phishing Attacks

OK, this is a heads-up about a new aggressive form of email attack that you need to warn your employees, friends and family about. The bad guys have beta-tested and refined it in ...
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Equifax appears to be training recipients to fall for phishing scams

Brian Krebs wrote: "More than a week after it said most people would be eligible to enroll in a free year of its TrustedID identity theft monitoring service, big three consumer credit ...
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Massive Spam Campaigns Push New Locky Ransomware With Doubled Ransom

Bleepingcomputer posted: "Reports are coming in from multiple security researchers and security firms about increased activity from one of the groups spreading the Locky ransomware. These ...
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Nearly 1.5 Million New Phishing Sites Created Each Month

The September 2017 Webroot Quarterly Threat Trends Report showed that 1.385 million new, unique phishing sites are created each month, with a high of 2.3 million sites created in May. The ...
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This Ransomware Demands Nudes Instead of Bitcoin

Cyber extortion is a very profitable criminal business model. Now, as if it was inevitable, someone has added a new, perverse twist: demanding naked photographs instead of Bitcoin, ...
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You Need To See This, And It Will Make You Crap Your Pants

You and I know that your users are the weak link, things like ID10T and PEBKAC come to mind. But do you know how bad the problem really is? Some people like to bury their head in the sand ...
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Barracuda Advanced Technology Group Tracks 20 Million Ransomware Phishing Attack

Barracuda Advanced Technology Group says it’s tracking a ransomware threat that has so far spawned about 20 million phishing emails sent to unsuspecting users around the world in the last ...
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