Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

Ransomware Attack Costs Dutch Builder 60,000 Euros

A ransomware infection has cost Dutch builder Almi Machinebouwers at least 60,000 euros. That is what director Frank Landhuis said in an interview with Sprout. Due to the infection, ...
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New Large Email Security Gap Analysis Shows a Massive 15% Failure Rate

We thought it was bad when we saw Cyren's recent analysis that 10.5% of bad emails made it through the filters. It could even be worse than that. "Mimecast's latest ESRA (email security ...
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[On-Demand Webinar] The Science and Methodology Behind Social Engineering

No matter how much security technology we purchase, we still face a fundamental security problem: people. Our CEO Stu Sjouwerman was interviewed by Information Security Media Group at RSA ...
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Poll: What Security Measures Are Most Effective In Fighting Ransomware?

The Spiceworks staff wrote: "Years after CryptoLocker raised its ugly head — setting off an unfortunate security trend — ransomware continues to be a rather painful thorn in the side of ...
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Many of us will be at the RSA Conference in SanFran this week. Here are some quick tips!

Lance Spitzner said: Eat breakfast, it may be the last meal you get that day. Schedule the most important meetings in the morning. RSA gives you a back-pack. Don't use it at the con, ...
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Britain braces for Russian cyber warfare targeting transport links, water supplies, hospitals and airports

The UK Mirror reported that Britain is braced for a wave of crippling cyber attacks in Russian retaliation for the Syrian missile strikes. Here is an excerpt: "Vital transport links, ...
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Positive Technologies Social Engineering Report: 17 Percent Fall Foul To “Attacks”

Employees download malicious files, click phishing links, correspond with hackers, and even share contact information for their colleagues. Positive Technologies has released a new report ...
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[NEW WHITEPAPER] 10 Best Practices for Protecting Against Phishing, Ransomware and Email Fraud

Organizations have been victimized by a wide range of threats and exploits, most notably phishing attacks that have penetrated corporate defenses, targeted email attacks launched from ...
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Ransomware, Phishing, and Pretexting in the Annual Verizon Databreach Report

Did you know, 43% of breaches result from social engineering attacks? What's more, according to a recent Verizon investigation, phishing emails account for 98% of all social engineering ...
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State Department warns staff of surge in spear phishing attempts

Eric Geller at Politico reported: "The State Department on Thursday warned employees about a tidal wave of malicious messages attempting to trick staffers into opening a door for hackers. ...
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How The World's Most Famous Hacker Tracks Down Lost Luggage...

The adventures of Kevin Mitnick and his girlfriend Kimberly. Kevin called me and told me a story how they were crazy enough to track down a lost (stolen?) bag in Mexico city. His GF ...
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[Heads-Up] Phishing Scam Of The Week: Bad Guys Go Nuclear

So, this one is the next new criminal low. This particular phish spoofs a campus-wide security alert for a community college (confidential information blocked out) in Florida. Given that ...
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HHS Issues New Guidance On SamSam Ransomware

HHS' Healthcare Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center released a report March 30 on SamSam, an ongoing ransomware campaign that has targeted the healthcare and government ...
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What IT Pros Are Saying About KnowBe4 On Reddit

A Reddit user asked: "I just found this company called KnowBe4 and they claim to be the best at preventing and teaching about social engineering and cyber attacks. They have a free tool ...
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Major uptick in mobile phishing URL click rate

In a study of Lookout users, more than half clicked mobile phishing URLs that bypassed existing security controls. Since 2011, Lookout has observed this mobile phishing URL click rate ...
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KnowBe4 Fresh Awareness Training Content Update

March was a busy month adding both new and refreshed training content! Because of our acquisition of Popcorn Training in early March we added 38 new videos. Check out the new content ...
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KnowBe4’s Year-Over-Year Sales Rocket 191% for Q1 2018

Today, we are announcing a Q1 2018 year-over-year sales increase of 191%, bringing us to well over 17,000 customers worldwide. I'm super excited to tell you about our hypergrowth for ...
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11 ways ransomware is evolving

Michael Nadeau is a senior editor with CSO Online. He has been a publisher and editor of magazines, books, and knowledgebases that help companies get the most from their ERP systems. This ...
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