Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

Phishing Tops IRS List of Tax-Related Scams for 2018

Michael Trimarchi at the Bloomberg Bureau of National Affairs wrote an excellent article about the continued risk of phishing, as reported by the IRS: "The stealing of personal ...
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Best-Funded US Cyber Security Startups By State [InfoGraphic]

We were just made aware of this very interesting map created by CBInsights. It lists the most well-funded cyber security companies in each US State as of Feb 2, 2018. To our pleasant ...
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Scam Of The Week: Fiendishly Clever Gmail Phishing Scam You Need To Know About

Twitter user @_thp shared a recent phishing scam that they received; and it’s so fiendishly clever that it’s gone viral. They wrote: "This is the most clever phishing scam I've ever ...
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New Security Tool: Mailserver Security Assessment [It's Free]

Do you know what's getting through your mail filters?
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SAM.Gov Hackers Were Handed Spear Phishing, Spoofing & Credential Theft On A Gold Platter

Cybercrooks who stole federal payments by hacking contractor accounts on a GSA website used sophisticated spear phishing techniques to steal login credentials and then diverted payments ...
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Cybercrooks who stole federal payments by hacking contractor accounts on a GSA website used sophisticated spear phishing techniques to steal login credentials and then diverted payments ...
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Scam Of The Week: 150 Million Under Armour MyFitnessPal Users Are Now Phishing Targets

BREAKING NEWS: Under Armour's health- and fitness-tracking app, MyFitnessPal, has been hit by a data breach. Roughly 150 million MyFitnessPal users are affected, Under Armour says. Under ...
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So, How Did Russia Succeed In Hacking Our Energy Systems?

The nightmare scenario is the grid going down and we're all pushed back a 100 years (electricity started around 1880 but only became common in the 1930s). James Conca wrote in Forbes: ...
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The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security

Kevin Townsend wrote a great article about AI in SecurityWeek, looking at the current state of affairs and the expected near future, based on a recent important scientific paper titled: ...
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Report: Ransomware is the New Normal. 52% Have Lost Faith in Antivirus and 44% Agree AV is Dead

A new report on malware says that the majority of companies globally have been victims of ransomware in the last 12 months. 52% Have Lost Faith in Antivirus and 44% Agree AV is Dead A new ...
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Leader of Carbanak Cybercrime Group Who Stole Over 1Billion Arrested in Spain [InfoGraphic]

March 26, 2018 -- Some good news for a change! Police in Spain have arrested an individual identified as Denis K. who is believed to be the mastermind behind the Carbanak (also known as ...
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Social Engineering Fraud and Cyber Insurance – Are You Covered?

We’ve covered this before but here’s another article on exclusionary clauses. The loophole: "No unauthorized use of the victims Computer System". Excellent reminder by Drinker Biddle ...
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US Disrupts 'Massive And Brazen' Iranian Phishing Scheme, DOJ Says

Friday morning the US Department of Justice announced that it had indicted Iran's Mabna Institute and nine of the individuals who work for it. The charges include conspiracy to commit ...
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Legacy Cybersecurity Defenses Won’t Keep Pace with New Ransomware and Cryptojacking Threats

Findings from the 2018 Webroot Threat Report Reveal the Increasing Sophistication of Phishing, Malware, and Cryptojacking. Webroot, revealed results from their 2018 annual threat report, ...
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The AVCrypt Ransomware Tries To Uninstall Your AV Software

Larry Abrams at Bleepingcomputer reported this strain first: "A new ransomware named AVCrypt has been discovered that tries to uninstall existing security software before it encrypts a ...
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City of Atlanta IT Systems Shut Down by SamSam Ransomware. Demand Is $51K To Decrypt

It was all over the major press yesterday. The Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia has confirmed that several local government systems are currently down due to a ransomware infection and said the ...
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Why Social Engineering Works And How To Arm Yourself Against "Human Hacking"

Let me share some observations after 7 years of building KnowBe4 from scratch into a 100 million dollar company. We train your employees to recognize social engineering attacks and not ...
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MY TAKE: Why ‘cryptojacking’ is spreading faster than ransomware — and may be more insidious

Has there ever been anything more tailor made for hackers than crypto currency? Is anyone surprised that hackers are innovating ways to crack into digital wallets and currency exchanges? ...
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