Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

[HEADS UP] Cybercriminals Attempt to Exploit Stimulus Package for COVID-19

In several recent blog posts we've showed you the myriad ways in which malicious actors have aggressively -- even ruthlessly -- deployed social engineering tactics to leverage the ...
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FBI Warns of Stimulus Check Scams

The FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) issued an alert warning of coronavirus-related phishing attacks, particularly surrounding economic stimulus checks. The news that the US ...
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Beware! The FCC Releases Audio Samples of Coronavirus Phone Scams

Scammers sink to a new low with these phone scams preying on the fears of U.S. citizens offering hopes of better protecting themselves from the Coronavirus.
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[PLATFORM UPDATE] COVID-19 New Templates Categories

This Friday March 27, at 9 a.m. Eastern, we will add two new categories of email templates related to Coronavirus/COVID-19. At this time, we will move all of our existing ...
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Sitting Ducks: When Employees Work from Home

As the COVID-19 health crisis rages on and millions of workers and students move to working from home (WFH) and online distance education, no one should make the error of thinking that ...
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Ransomware Incidents Increase 131 Percent with the SMB Being the Primary Target

The recent release of new data from U.K. cyberinsurer Beazley’s brings to light what kinds of attacks their customers are experiencing and who’s at risk.
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Sextortion Scam Combines Lust and Envy

A sleazy phishing campaign is trying to tempt people into opening an attachment that supposedly contains nude pictures of a friend’s girlfriend, BleepingComputer reports. The attackers ...
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Brand Impersonation Phishing Attacks Grow While Organizations Fail to Protect Their Brand Using DMARC

New data from Security vendor Agari shows how identity deception techniques are being used to fool recipient victims as organizations lack the needed safeguards to ensure emails are ...
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An Intimate Look at a Nigerian Social Engineer

Researchers at Check Point offer a look at a Nigerian citizen who moonlights as a cybercriminal who uses social engineering techniques. The man, whom the researchers call “Dton,” ...
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[On-Demand] New 2020 Phishing By Industry Benchmarking Report: How Does Your Organization Measure Up

As a security leader, you have a lot on your plate. Even as you increase your budget for sophisticated security software, your exposure to cybercrime keeps going up. IT security seems to ...
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Just How Lucrative is Cybercrime? According to New Charges Against One Gang, $30 Million Lucrative

The recent arrest and charging of a gang of 24 U.S.-based cybercriminals in Atlanta demonstrates how easy it is to become a cybercriminal and use social engineering tactics to fool people ...
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Urgency Around the Coronavirus Leads to Phishing Scams Targeting Healthcare

As if the virus itself wasn’t bad enough, lowlife scammers are using the pandemic to trick healthcare workers into giving up credentials. Elite hackers tried to break into the World ...
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Organizations Need To Be Wary Of Home Worker Phishing Risks

Security experts warn that phishing attacks against home workers will rise.
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Critical Considerations to Improve Your Remote Employee Security During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Quickly evolving travel and social requirements in response to COVID-19 mean that, like it or not, many organizations like yours are asking traditional office-based employees to work from ...
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Human Behavior is What Makes Phishing Attacks So Successful

The problem isn’t the lack of software designed to detect, prevent, and protect – it’s that human response is a required part of every phishing attack that users seem to be happy to ...
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Healthcare Providers Suffer 350 Percent Increase in Ransomware Attacks

The lack of proper security technologies in place is largely to blame for the massive increase in ransomware attacks in Q4 of 2019 as compared to the same time the previous year.
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Domains Use Homographic Characters to Create Hard to Spot Phishing URL's

Website domains can use homographic characters to create very hard-to-spot phishing URLs, Threatpost reports. Cybersecurity researcher Avi Lumelsky demonstrated how easy it is to create ...
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FBI Sends Private Industry Notification Warning of BEC Techniques

The FBI sent out a Private Industry Notification (PIN) warning companies that attackers are abusing Microsoft Office 365 and Google’s G Suite to launch business email compromise (BEC) ...
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