Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

Recent Posts

NASA sees an “exponential” jump in malware attacks as personnel work from home

Ars Technica reports that NASA has experienced an exponential increase in malware attacks and a doubling of agency devices trying to access malicious sites in the past few days as ...
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Cloud-based Business Email Compromise

The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) published an alert warning that criminals are exploiting cloud-based email services to carry out business email compromise (BEC) attacks. ...
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March Content Update: Including Work From Home and Coronavirus Training Resources

Here are a few important updates to share with you from the month of March.
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Phishing Trends Recap of COVID-19 Related Phishing Schemes

Our Chief Evangelist Strategy Officer Perry Carpenter took a bit of time and summarized the crazy month of March 2020 looking at the exponential growth of COVID-19 themed phishing attacks.
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Social Distancing Elevates Both Personal and Organizational Risk

With many countries participating in social distancing and “shelter in place” directives, remote workers are subjecting themselves and their employer to a number of risks. Find out why.
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Bad News from the (Fake) CDC: You've Got Malware

Malicious actors continue to probe organizations' security and defenses with malicious emails explicitly crafted to create and exploit sense of panic in the wake of the COVID-19. Over the ...
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Malicious Actors Release Coronavirus Guidelines for America

You already knew this was going to happen. It was just a matter of waiting. Fast on the heels of the release of President Trump's "Coronavirus Guidelines for America," malicious actors ...
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Organizations Say They Want Employees to Prepare for Ransomware Attacks, But Do Little in the Way of Training

Organizations are keenly aware of the ramifications of ransomware attacks and the need to prevent them but aren’t empowering users to prevent becoming the victim.
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A new ransomware strain called 'Save the Queen’, distributes itself from your own Domain Controllers

Sophisticated cybercriminals have continuously improved the effectiveness of ransomware attacks, according to Yaki Faitelson, co-founder and CEO of Varonis. In an article for Forbes, ...
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Sextortion Email Scams Now Include Threats to Infect Victims with COVID-19

In what may be either a moment of brilliance or desperation, scammers are attempting to use coronavirus infection threats as a means of further convincing victims to pay up.
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New Potential Phishing Scam Begins with A Phone Call

A recent suspicious phone call was brought to our attention. It looks to be the beginning of a phishing campaign and demonstrates the lengths cybercriminals will go to in order to ensure ...
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Trends in Phishing, as Seen From a Mountain View

Researchers from Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) released details on recent state-sponsored phishing campaigns from around the world. The researchers said that Google’s phishing ...
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Who Doesn’t Like Free Money? Scammers Are Expected to Increase Use of the COVID Stimulus Bill to Line their Pockets

With cybercriminals loving to be able to target victims where money is directly involved, security experts are anticipating a massive uptick in Stimulus-related scams.
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Bad Guys Push New COVID-19 Message: You Are Infected

Malicious actors continue to craft ruthlessly aggressive, evil email attacks tailored to leverage mounting fears and anxieties surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States among ...
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New Video Module "Covid-19 Best Practices" from KnowBe4 and Transperfect

Here is a quick announcement!
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Hospitality Provider the Target of an Old-School BadUSB Social Engineering Attack

In what appears to be a mix of old- and new-school social engineering, an attack spotted in the wild using a USB thumb drive offers us a view into how one company could have become the ...
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Scammers Hijacking Twitter Accounts To Sell Face Masks

Scammers cashing in on the Coronavirus crisis are now hijacking Twitter accounts to heavily promote a web site purporting to sell face masks, respirators, digital thermometers, and toilet ...
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The Creation & Development of a COVID-19 Phish

As we documented in a recent blog piece, malicious actors are aggressively exploiting the COVID-19 crisis by re-purposing and overhauling phishing emails they were running before the ...
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