Security Awareness Training Blog

Keeping You Informed. Keeping You Aware.
Stay on top of the latest in security including social engineering, ransomware and phishing attacks.

Stu Sjouwerman

Chief Executive Officer & President

Stu Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”) is the founder and CEO of KnowBe4, Inc., which hosts the world’s most popular integrated security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, with over 54,000 organization customers and more than 50 million users. A serial entrepreneur and data security expert with 30 years in the IT industry, Stu was the co-founder of Inc. 500 company Sunbelt Software, a multiple award-winning anti-malware software company that was acquired in 2010.

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Netflix Scams Target People Sheltering in Place

With people sheltering in place during the pandemic emergency, they’re both teleworking and finding their entertainment online. Google searches for Netflix jumped 142% since the advice to ...
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It’s Look-Alike Day: While Doppelganger Humans Can Be Funny, Domains Are Not

On April 20, we celebrate National Look-Alike Day. It’s the perfect time to see which people have similar features as you, instead of that completely normal person you bumped into at the ...
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Damage From Phishing Doubles For Dutch Banks

Dutch banks saw damage from phishing double last year compared to the previous year. This concerns both phishing for 2FA security codes and phishing for credit and debit card numbers, ...
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[Heads-Up] Hacking Attacks Double Against Users Who Now Suddenly Work From Home

Reuters just reported that hacking activity against corporations in the United States and other countries more than doubled by some measures last month as digital thieves took advantage ...
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[NEW PhishER Feature] Remove, Inoculate, and Protect Against Email Threats Faster with PhishRIP

We are excited to announce the availability of PhishRIP™ as part of the PhishER platform to all PhishER customers. PhishRIP is a new email quarantine feature that integrates with ...
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Phishing Trend: Quality, Not Quantity?

A new report from CyberCube found that sophisticated cybercriminals are increasingly shifting to launching business email compromise (BEC) attacks against executives, Insurance Business ...
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Spanish Hospital Faces Netwalker Ransomware Attack in the Midst of Pandemic

At a time when hospitals are already stretched thin for budget, one of many attackers still thinks it’s a good idea to hold hospitals for ransom, showing organizations always need to be ...
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Coronavirus-Related Spear Phishing Attacks See a Massive 667% Increases in March

Attackers are taking advantage of the pandemic, looking for every way possible to achieve their malicious goals via targeted phishing campaigns of every kind.
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When the Implausible Seems, Well, More Plausible

Everyone is vulnerable to social engineering and no security tool can block every phishing email, according to Kevin Casey at The Enterprisers Project. Casey talked to a number of ...
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Phishing *Better* Than the Bad Guys During the Pandemic

By Katie Brennan, KnowBe4 Product Content Director. The COVID-19 pandemic has had cyber criminals in a phishing frenzy for months. They’ve been sending countless attacks, with the ...
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3 Eye Opening Reasons Why Security Awareness Training is Even More Critical Now That You Have a Remote Workforce

In the history of IT and cyberthreats, there has never been a more critical time for organizations to employ security awareness training than now. With employees working from home, the ...
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Three More Ransomware Families Join the Extortion Game

As ransomware creators look for ways to ensure they get paid for their malicious efforts, many are taking a page from the Maze ransomware manual and are posting stolen data if not paid.
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Novel, but Retrospectively Obvious: a QR Code Generator Scam

A scammer has stolen more than $45,000 worth of bitcoin over the past month by tricking people with fake QR code generators, ZDNet reports. Harry Denley, Director of Security at MyCrypto, ...
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Q1 2020 Coronavirus-Related Phishing Email Attacks Are Up 600%

KnowBe4 reports on the top-clicked phishing emails by subject lines each quarter in three different categories: subjects related to social media, general subjects, and 'In the Wild' - we ...
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New Articles and Updates From the KnowBe4 Technical Content Team in Q1 2020

Here are all of the major items and updates our KnowBe4 Product Content Team has added to our knowledge base and Security Awareness Training product in Q1 2020.
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The Bad Guys Use A New Text Reversal Technique To Get Phishing Attacks Past Your Security Filters

Dark Reading reports that researchers at Inky have observed attackers using a text reversal technique to get their phishing emails past security filters. Many email security filters ...
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[On-Demand Webinar] The Art of Invisibility: Important New Privacy Concerns for Your Quickly Evolving Remote Workforce

Corporate privacy concerns are more paramount right now than ever before. Organizations are being forced to maneuver a new world of security and privacy issues related to a remote ...
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Hackers have hit every country on Earth with coronavirus-themed cyberattacks

Cyber criminals have launched coronavirus-themed cyberattacks in 241 countries and territories, new research from Redmond showed. "Every country in the world has seen at least one ...
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Zoom's Recent Hypergrowth Challenges -- And How To Use It In A Secure Way

The massive uptick in use of the popular video conferencing service Zoom has resulted in a rise in stock price, a class action lawsuit, and a huge opportunity for cybercriminals.
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