Security Awareness Training Blog

Social Engineering Blog

Latest social engineering news, analysis, tactics the bad guys are using and what you can do to defend your organization.

Here Are Your 13 Predictions For 2013

Here Are Your 13 Predictions For 2013 - First Quantity, Now Quality: In 2013, cybercrime will focus more on quality than before. They will opt for increasingly smart malware, and more ...
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One phishing email exposes millions of people to data theft in South Carolina cyberattack

NBC News reported: COLUMBIA, S.C. -- A single malicious email sent to workers at the South Carolina Department of Revenue last August enabled an international hacker to crack into state ...
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The TOP 10 BYOD Gotchas

Did you know? On any given day across the globe, the number of iPhones sold will exceed the number of babies born (378,000 to 371,000) The problem is that mobile device security has not ...
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Why We Are Doing This

Some of you might remember Sunbelt Software, which from 1996 to 2010 sold system admin and security tools for Windows Server. I am one of the two co-founders of Sunbelt. After ...
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What Is The Top Phishing Day Of The Week? And Why?

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="280" caption="Top Phishing Day"][/caption] Websense reported on October 8, 2012 about their July-August 2012 research. They said: "A disturbing new ...
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Black Hole Malware Dominates Web So Train Your Employees

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="460" caption="Microsoft Security Intelligence Report Volume 13"][/caption] Microsoft released their Security Intelligence Report (SIR) last week, ...
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Scam Of The Week You Have Been Targeted For Assasination

The last few weeks, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) reported they received complaints about the latest version of 'Hit Man scam' which now tells people via e-mail they have been ...
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Beware Of iPhone Delivery Phishes

Hackers have a great new reason to send you a UPS notification regarding your new iPhone 5 shipment. In times like this – when people are eagerly waiting for an email of this type – the ...
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I was quoted on CNNMoney re mobile security

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="230" caption="Mobile Security"][/caption] NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Security experts have warned for years that our smartphones are due for a major ...
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Scam Alert: Naked Prince Harry Pictures

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="175" caption="Scam Alert: Naked Prince Harry Pictures"][/caption] Wath out for the latest Internet craze. The bad guys are having a field day with ...
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Top hacker details how to avoid cybercrime

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="(Flickr user Alan Cleaver)"][/caption] (MoneyWatch) With the National Republican Convention fast approaching at the end of August, ...
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Special Scam Of The Week: Big Brand Hijacking

An existing KnowBe4 customer tweeted about a fresh scam with the hashtag #RedFlag, and sure enough it had quite a few Red Flags. The bad guys are getting quite inventive, this time ...
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Apple social engineered - Allows access to iCloud

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Apple Tech Social Engineered"][/caption] [UPDATED August 7] Former Gizmodo reporter Mat Honan was hacked hard. He found out that an ...
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Bank Sues Customer Over ACH/Wire Fraud

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="180" caption="Bank Sues Customer"][/caption] Tracy Kitten at BankInfo Security reported on this: "In another legal wrangling over liability linked ...
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VIDEO: The new 90-second Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training Elevator Pitch

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="455" caption="Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training 90-second Video"][/caption] July 2012, KnowBe4 officially released Kevin Mitnick Security ...
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I Was Interviewed On TV Thursday

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Stu TV Interview"][/caption] Cyber threats reported by U.S. energy companies, public water districts and other infrastructure ...
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Scam Of The Week Payroll Phish

The nakedsecurity blog over at Sophos highlighted a new phishing scam that would be good to alert your employees about. The bad guys are pretending to be payroll processing company ADP. ...
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Malware Metastasizes

A few days ago I wrote about a 60 million Euro cyberheist. I have been digging into this a bit more, as it's the most advanced attack yet. Cybercrime is not revolutionary, it clearly ...
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OMG - I did not know it was THIS horrible.

More from Brian Krebs's astounding blog post today. "As the chart I compiled above indicates, attackers are switching the lure or spoofed brand quite often, but popular choices include ...
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A Closer Look: Email-Based Ransomware Attacks

With the increase of email phishing attacks being the primary attack vector, ransomware payments have risen to 60%, it's important to take a closer look at email-based ransomware attacks.
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