Data Breach Costs: 10 Ways You're Making It Worse

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Inadequate response plans and poorly executed procedures caused data breach costs to rise significantly at some businesses, according to the Ponemon Institute. Mistakes, negligence and glitches are more likely to be responsible for computer-related security breaches than cyber attacks, according to a Ponemon report released last week sponsored by Symantec.

The research firm interviewed more than 1,400 individuals in 277 companies as part of its "2013 Cost of Data Breach Study: Global Analysis." The study, sponsored by Symantec, estimated the costs of data breaches in nine countries. The breach costs varied by region, but Ponemon Institute researchers found a number of common costly errors.

One short quote: "Building a sense of security into end users cannot happen with one-off training programs -- there needs to be a systematic and consistent security program over an extended period of time, according to the Ponemon Institute". Here is the slide show

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