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Social Engineering Blog

Latest social engineering news, analysis, tactics the bad guys are using and what you can do to defend your organization.

Global Payment Hack: Almost 340 Million Drop in Value

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="290" caption="Global Payment Hacked"][/caption] This is what they said in their press release: “Global Payments Inc. (NYSE: GPN), a leader in ...
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Malicious Office documents target Mac OS X

Trendmicro reported: "We have recently analyzed a series of emails sent to specific users that leverage a certain prominent socio-political issue. One of these messages is about the ...
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Shield your business from cybercrooks

Anne Fisher, Editor of New York's Executive Inbox wrote: "Can you recognize a potentially disastrous breach of your computer system’s security when you see it? Let’s find out with two ...
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Look Ma, malware without files!

Wow, instead of an exploit dropping a file onto the file system and running it... a DLL is injected straight into memory from the exploit, leaving nothing to scan on the harddrive. Writen ...
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The Top 5 Executive Spear-phishing Scams

We recommend you copy and paste this section, and send it to your executive team, with a warning that they might be targeted with spear-phishing attacks. They need to 'Stop, Look, Think' ...
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RSA Post-mortem: Massive Human Component To Security

George Hulme wrote on the CSO site: "There was an unusual level of gloom at the RSA Conference this year, and for good reason: a number of the biggest and most respected security firms ...
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