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Social Engineering Blog

Latest social engineering news, analysis, tactics the bad guys are using and what you can do to defend your organization.

Contributing to the Delinquency of a Major

A Swedish man used a multitude of forged credentials and a fake school diploma to join the Swedish military, where he maintained the ruse for eighteen years and eventually attained the ...
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Scam Of The Week: "Kobe Bryant Dead, Dies in Helicopter Crash"

Today, news broke that Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash. His daughter Gigi was also on board and died in the crash. This is a celebrity death that the bad guys are going to be ...
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Scam Of The Week: Exit Windows 7, Enter Scams

Microsoft ended support for the Windows 7 operating system on January 14th, and scammers are taking advantage of the long-anticipated news to launch tech support scams, according to the ...
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Amazon Phishbait Chums British Waters

Action Fraud, the UK's fraud reporting center, has warned of a widespread phone scam targeting Amazon customers. The phone calls are automated and inform recipients that their Amazon ...
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Emotet Trojan Intelligently Targets Organizations, Impersonates Victims to Improve Attack Success

According to new insights from Cisco Talos, this banking malware is getting nastier as it moves into the island hopping space via email attacks using social engineering.
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Cyber Incidents Are the Top Concern Among Executives

Businesses are finally realizing the continually present threat that hackers, scammers, and cybercrime organizations pose, according to new data from insurer Allianz.
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Bad Guys Built A Completely Fake News Website For A Bitcoin Phishing Scam

The Central Bank of Malta has issued a statement warning people about a bitcoin phishing scam being pushed by a spoofed news website, the Times of Malta reports. The site imitated a ...
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Texas School District Loses $2.3 Million In BEC Scam

Texas’s Manor Independent School District was the victim of a costly 2.3 million dollar Business Email Compromise (BEC) scam in November of 2019.
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An Overview of Phishing from the Accounting Sector

Employee training is an essential long-term defense against phishing attacks, according to David Barton and Kimberly Anderson at UHY Advisors. In an article for Accounting Today, Barton ...
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[Scam Of The Week] Don't Fall For This Tricky: “Start your 2020 with a gift from us”

Paul Ducklin at Naked Security warned us about a scam that just surfaced and promises a gift by courier from overseas where the other person hasn’t told you what they’re sending – the ...
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The Top 5 Eyeopener Strategies To Improve Your IT Defenses And Keep Bad Guys Out Of Your Network

Last year, in 2019 according to CVEdetails, there were 12,174 new, publicly announced vulnerabilities. If that sounds like a high number, it’s a lot less than the previous two years. We ...
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Scammer Who Tricked Facebook and Google Out of $120 Million Gets 5 Years in Jail

The Lithuanian hacker who ran the most notorious, simplest, and most lucrative email-based social engineering fraud scam has been brought to justice and will be serving time and paying ...
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Smishing Examples & Defenses

Smishing is phishing via Short Message Service (SMS) on a participating device, usually a cell phone. Long neglected by phishers and spammers, smishing has recently become a very common ...
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Encryption Isn’t Your Only Ransomware Problem - There Are Some Other Nasty Issues

Ransomware has become one of the most dreaded problems in the cyber world and it’s only getting worse. Much worse!
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Phishing Emails on the Rise as Spear Phishing Continues to Return Bigger Payouts

New data from Microsoft Security Insights sheds some needed light on exactly what the bad guys are doing and how they’re shifting tactics. Sometimes it feels like the bad guys are ...
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Penn State Warns of Spear Phishing Attacks

Penn State is warning its community about a recent spike in phishing attacks targeting the university’s employees. Attackers are sending emails posing as real Penn State employees and ...
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Announcing A New 8-Minute Training Module - Social Media: Staying Secure in a Connected World

As you probably know, social media is the number one place that attackers can get intel about your organization to make their "hacking of your humans" more effective. We have been hearing ...
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U.S. Government Issues Warning About Possible Iranian Cyberattacks

Christopher C. Krebs, Director of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a warning about a potential new wave of Iranian cyber-attacks targeting U.S. assets after Maj. ...
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Seven Kinds of Malware, and all Arrive by Social Engineering

Naked Security outlines seven different categories of malware and describes how each of them through social engineering techniques can affect your organization. Some or all of these ...
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Phishing Remains the Most Widespread Risk

As organizations look to improving their defenses, it’s worth remembering that attackers usually get through those defenses by manipulating the human beings those security measures are in ...
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