Security Awareness Training Blog

Security Awareness Training Blog

Read the latest news about security awareness training, best practices, why you need it, and what happens when you don't have it in place.

5 Ways to Improve Your Security Awareness Training Program

In today’s world, it’s essential to implement security awareness training in the workplace. Without security awareness training, how would your employees know how to stay safe? A lot of ...
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Catphish and Honey Traps

Hundreds of Israeli soldiers had their phones compromised by malware after falling for catfishing attacks purportedly launched by Hamas, Forbes reports. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) ...
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A U.S. Natural Gas Operator Shuts Down For 2 Days After A Phishing Attack Infects It With Ransomware

Dan Goodin at Ars Technica reported something worrisome: "A US-based natural gas facility shut down operations for two days after sustaining a ransomware infection that prevented ...
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New Convincing Verizon Smishing Scam Makes SIM Swaps A Breeze

Cybercriminals intent on using a mobile device as a second factor of authentication are now using texts and very realistic-looking mobile sites to steal details needed to perform SIM ...
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The Good Taxi Driver

A taxi driver in Roseville, California saved an elderly passenger from being scammed out of $25,000, CNN reports. Rajbir Singh, the owner of Roseville Cab, recently picked up a ...
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[World Premiere] KnowBe4's New Season 2 of Security Awareness Video Series - 'The Inside Man'

We’re excited to announce Season 2 of the award-winning KnowBe4 Original Series - ‘The Inside Man’. This network-quality video training series delivers an entertaining learning experience ...
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[Heads-up] The World Health Organization Warns of New Coronavirus Phishing Attacks. Inoculate Your Employees!

The World Health Organization (WHO) is putting out an alert about ongoing Coronavirus-themed phishing attacks that impersonate the WHO and try to steal confidential information and ...
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Emotet-Based Sextortion Scams Net 10 Times More than Necurs-Based Scams

The Emotet trojan just won’t die and appears to be gaining steam as sextortion scams are netting cybercriminals a massive return in exchange for their devious efforts.
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Fake News and Misplaced Trust

Fighting deepfakes and fake news requires society as a whole to treat what they see with more skepticism, according to Lisa Forte, founder of Red Goat Cyber Security. On the CyberWire’s ...
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Organizations Beware! Cyberattacks are Becoming More Prevalent, Hitting More Device OSes, and are Shifting Focus to You

The latest data from Malwarebyte’s annual State of Malware Report shows increases almost across the board, showing that the bad guys are stepping on the gas into 2020.
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PayPal Phishing for Passports and More

An ongoing PayPal phishing campaign is trying to steal a wide range of personal information, including Social Security numbers and passport photos, Threatpost reports. The scams were ...
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FBI Internet Crime Report Released: The Evolving Threat and Importance of Reporting

The FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center released its 2019 Internet Crime Report, and by no surprise the bad guys and new scams show no signs of stopping anytime soon. Last year the ...
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Seasonal Scams: Valentine's Day Edition

Romance scams and confidence scams cause both emotional and financial pain. According to the latest FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) figures for 2019, confidence/romance scams ...
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DOJ Charges Hackers from the Chinese People Liberation Army with 2016 Equifax Data Breach

Four hackers have been charged with hacking the U.S. credit reporting agency where data on U.S. citizens and proprietary Equifax secrets were stolen.
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Email Account Takeover Attacks Get Smarter, Sophisticated, and More Patient

New data from Barracuda shows attackers take their time to leverage the credential compromise and to avoid detection when taking over email accounts.
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Most British Breaches Traced to Human Error

90% of data breaches in the UK during 2019 were caused by human mistakes, Infosecurity Magazine reports. CybSafe analyzed all the data breach reports received by the UK Information ...
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Safer Internet Day: What You Can Do to Stay Safe

February 11, 2020 is Safer Internet Day, a worldwide event aimed at promoting the safe and positive use of digital technology for all users, especially children and teens. This year's ...
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Education is Necessary to Stay Ahead of Threats

Most people don’t realize how vulnerable they are to social engineering until they experience it, according to Anna Collard, the founder of KnowBe4’s South African security awareness ...
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Another SMS Scam

A new PayPal SMS phishing campaign is making the rounds, according to Paul Ducklin at Naked Security. The text messages in this campaign purport to come from PayPal and inform recipients ...
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SEC Releases Results of Cybersecurity and Resiliency Practices Examinations

The SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) published a new report on the findings from examining the methods used by market participant organizations.
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