Security Awareness Training Blog

Ransomware Blog

Keeping you updated on the latest ransomware attack vectors, strains, decryptors, families and trends to help you avoid becoming infected.

Norsk Hydro May Have Lost $40M in First Week After Ransomware Infection

Norwegian aluminum giant Norsk Hydro estimates that it may have lost more than $40 million in the first week following the ransomware attack that disrupted its operations.
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How LockerGoga, The Ransomware Crippling Industrial Firms Operates

Technically, LockerGoga is just another ransomware strain and not even a very good one. It's got bugs and it's slow. However, the gang behind it represents a dangerous combination of ...
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Ransomware Forces Two Chemical Companies to Order ‘Hundreds of New Computers’

Motherboard reported: "It appears that LockerGoga, the same ransomware that hit aluminum manufacturing giant Norsk Hydro this week, also infected American chemicals companies Hexion and ...
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UK’s Police Federation Hit By Ransomware

The U.K.’s Police Federation has confirmed it has been hit by a cyberattack. The union-like organization, representing 119,000 police officers across the 43 forces in England and Wales, ...
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Big Norwegian Aluminum Producer Norsk Hydro Suffers Major Ransomware Attack

Norsk Hydro ASA, one of the world’s biggest aluminum producers, suffered production outages after a ransomware attack affected operations across Europe and the U.S.
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GCSE coursework lost in ransomware attack on UK Bridport school

Hackers have used ransomware to encrypt files at a school, causing it to lose some students' GCSE coursework.
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Ransoms are Becoming More Expensive While Ransomware Attacks Become More Damaging

Ransomware isn’t going anywhere, and cybercriminals are stepping up their game increasing payments while also targeting backups more often to improve their chances of payment.
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Matrix Ransomware Uses a “Swiss Army Knife” of Tools to Infect, Compromise, and Spread

Since the days of EternalBlue, we’ve been concerned with malware spreading within a network. The latest iterations of Matrix Ransomware use a sophisticated list of embedded tools to do ...
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[Heads up] Ransomware V2.0 Is Set to Resurge As Your Insurance Now Pays Off The Ransom

Holy Smokes! Ransomware may be poised to return as a top scourge for companies, as more and more of them pay up—it's actually their insurance company that makes the payment—after an ...
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Georgia county pays a whopping $400,000 to get rid of a ransomware infection

Officials in Jackson County, Georgia, paid $400,000 to cyber-criminals this week to get rid of a ransomware infection and regain access to their IT systems. The County hired ...
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Rietspoof Malware Attack Uses Messaging Apps to Distribute Ransomware

Researchers at antivirus vendor Avast have identified a new malware attack that leverages Skype, Facebook Messenger, and other messaging applications.
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We Are In The Wrong Business. Cyber Extortionists Make $360K A Year.

Extortion scams capitalize on compromised credentials, sensitive data, and technical vulnerabilities on Internet-facing applications to pressure victims to pay up.
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Popular Torrents Uploader Caught Sharing ‘GandCrab’ Ransomware Strain

Torrent sites are banning CracksNow, a popular source of torrent uploads, after discovering that the uploader of cracks and keygens was distributing ransomware.
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New Report Outlines “Bashe” Ransomware Global Infection Scenario Outcomes, including up to $193 Billion in Damages

With the potential for a single coordinated cyberattack aimed at holding the world hostage and putting losses on a global scale, a new report models what it would look like.
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Ransomware Attacks Cost Organizations an Average of $55K in Q4 2018

The latest report from ransomware response vendor Coveware shows a shift towards larger organizations, bigger ransoms, and a focus on disabling recovery.
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Experts Warn to Expect More Targeted and Effective Ransomware and Phishing Attacks in 2019

While attack types do not appear to be changing in the coming year, experts see cybercriminals getting better at their craft, making it easier to separate you from your money and ...
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[Heads-up!] New 'Anatova' Ransomware Disguised As A Game. Warn Your Users

The ransomware strain was discovered in a private peer-to-peer (p2p) network and targets consumers by using the icon of a game or application to trick the user into downloading it.
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"Ransomware Humor" Two Words You Thought You Would Never See Together

Someone's got a warped sense of humor. See the spoofed ransomware email below:
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Proposed N.C. Bill Would Require Ransomware Disclosures

North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein released a report on Thursday that highlights the impact of data breaches on the state in 2018, and paired the report with a bipartisan bill to ...
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Ransomware Attack Makes Government Offices in Del Rio, Texas Resort to Pen and Paper

This latest ransomware attack demonstrates how an entire network can be taken down, bringing operations to a screeching halt.
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