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Ransomware Blog

Keeping you updated on the latest ransomware attack vectors, strains, decryptors, families and trends to help you avoid becoming infected.

It Was Only a Matter of Time: Sodinokibi Hold Dark Web Hacking Competition

Feeling like a page taken out of the SpaceX competitions, the latest shock comes from news of an underworld hacking competition intent on sharing cutting edge malicious code.
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Your Cyber Insurance Policy Just Became Outdated

Just when we think we have a handle on our cyber insurance, the ransomware attackers have come and stirred things up again. I’m talking about the new trend in ransomware that you may not ...
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[Heads-up] We Give Notice About The New Criminal Age 'Ransomware 2.0': Extremely Damaging, Dangerous And Plain Evil

Take a look at that screen. Let it sink in a moment. Imagine if it were your company.
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U.S. 2020 Election-Themed Ransomware Attacks Are on Their Way – And Local Govt's Aren’t Prepared

New research shows local governments practice a distinct lack of cybersecurity preparedness. And with local, state, and national elections coming up this year, cyberattacks are a concern.
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Judge Orders Insurer to Pay on Small Business Ransomware Claim

Despite attempting to deny the claim revolving around a 2016 ransomware attack, a recent court ruling has caused an Ohio insurer to help cover the losses.
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‘Ryuk Stealer’ Searches for and Steals Confidential Files from Government, Military, and Law Enforcement

The newest strain of Ryuk ransomware has added new keywords and filetypes to expand its ability to find files with content that can be turned into money through sale, extortion, or ransom.
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Latest Ryuk Ransomware Attacks on Oil and Gas Companies Includes Compromising Active Directory

Ransomware has definitely grown up from its infant stages where it simply infected one computer. From spreading through lateral movement, to the use of a victim's email to spread the ...
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New Malware Upgrade Steals Browser and Email Client Credentials

Nothing is safe anymore. While tricking users into giving up their credentials still seems pretty impressive, new updates to the FTCode ransomware target the IDs and passwords on your ...
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[Heads-up] Will Proposed New Laws *Ban* Making Ransomware Payments?

The ransomware scourge has become much worse the last 12 months. Highly organized cybercrime gangs have iterated their attacks into a massive extortion racket.
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Ransomware Costs Double as Attacks Increase in Downtime and Sophistication

With payouts as much as $780,000, new data shows ransomware threat actors are going after every sized organization doing more damage and asking for more money.
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New EFS Ransomware Attack Uses Windows Encrypting File System Against Itself

The newly-spotted form of ransomware takes advantage of encryption capabilities built into Windows making it difficult for AV vendors to stop it.
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FDIC Warns U.S. Financial Institutions of Elevated Risk of Cyberattack

Citing “increased geopolitical tension”, banks are warned to immediately reevaluate to shore up cybersecurity controls and technology safeguards against ransomware and malware attacks.
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The Great Crimeware Awakening

The bad guys are taking advantage of their new digital bounty. Ransomware is just the beginning to show us how bad it is soon going to be. We really had no idea how bad it was going to ...
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Now That Ransomware Has Gone Nuclear, How Can You Avoid Becoming the Next Victim?

There is a reason more than half of today’s ransomware victims end up paying the ransom. Cyber-criminals have become thoughtful; taking time to maximize your organization’s potential ...
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Leaving Windows 7 in Production Puts You at High Risk of Ransomware Attack

Microsoft end-of-support for Windows 7 means systems will remain unpatched, creating an opportunity for future ransomware attacks to wreak havoc.
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Defending Against Ransomware is a Team Effort

Ransomware operators have grown very skilled in targeting exactly what will compel an organization to pay up, according to Andrew Brandt, principal researcher at Sophos. On the ...
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[Heads-up] The Evil Ryuk Ransomware Strain Now Uses Wake-on-Lan To Encrypt Your *Offline* Devices

You must have heard of RYUK before. It's one of the most nasty, evil ransomware strains attributed to the North Korean state sponsored cyber criminals. They are an APT—Advanced Persistent ...
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Nemty Ransomware Creators Plan to Post Stolen Data of Non-Payors to Blog

In a twist to the newest ransomware tactic where data is stolen and then encrypted, the folks behind Nemty are going to use a blog to publish victims data if they don’t pay.
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You Should Be Scared of the Latest Strains of Phobos Ransomware

In an unusual twist, it’s not actually the ransomware itself that makes the newer forms of Phobos so frightening; it’s the people behind the attacks that will have you worried.
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Travelex Warns Customers: Watch Out For Phishing Or Telephone Scams In Aftermath of Ransomware Attack

A little more than two weeks ago on New Year’s Eve, Foreign Currency services supplier Travelex was hit by a Sodinokibi (REvil) Ransomware attack. It has yet to recover and its web sites ...
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