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Ransomware Blog

Keeping you updated on the latest ransomware attack vectors, strains, decryptors, families and trends to help you avoid becoming infected.

[New Ransomware Threat] Now Cyber Criminals Demand Ransom From The PATIENTS After A Plastic Surgery Clinic Data Breach

Just when you thought it could not get any worse... it did. Criminal hackers are now demanding that all the patients of Florida provider Richard Davis, MD pay a ransom to prevent the ...
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Auto Dealership Becomes Latest Victim of Ransomware Attack Costing Up to $500,000

The opening of a seemingly benign email from a coworker by an unsuspecting employee set in motion an attack that brought operations to a halt and resulted in some costly remediation. The ...
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REvil Ransomware: "Pay Us One Way Or The Other!"

The Wall Street Journal and Bleeping Computer reported that Travelex, a foreign-currency exchange company, was hit by the ReVil/Sodinokibi actors on New Year's Eve and that its network ...
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The Top 5 Eyeopener Strategies To Improve Your IT Defenses And Keep Bad Guys Out Of Your Network

Last year, in 2019 according to CVEdetails, there were 12,174 new, publicly announced vulnerabilities. If that sounds like a high number, it’s a lot less than the previous two years. We ...
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Encryption Isn’t Your Only Ransomware Problem - There Are Some Other Nasty Issues

Ransomware has become one of the most dreaded problems in the cyber world and it’s only getting worse. Much worse!
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Ransomware Attacks Step Up their Game and Now Look for NAS Devices

It used to be that ransomware just looked for office files. Then backups became a secondary victim. New data from Kaspersky shows NAS devices are being added as targets.
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More Fake Windows 10 Updates Spell Hefty Ransoms for Victims

With Windows 7 ending support this month, organizations moving to or already on Windows 10 need to be wary of “update” phishing scams intent on installing ransomware.
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Cities and Governments are the Latest Target in a New “Leakware” Attack

This new type of attack focuses on threatening to steal and publish data on the web, asking for a ransom to be paid to keep the attackers from doing so.
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FBI Warns U.S. Companies About Maze Ransomware

The FBI is warning U.S. companies about a series of recent ransomware attacks in which the perpetrator, sometimes posing as a government agency, steals data and then encrypts it to ...
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4 patients sue Alabama health system after ransomware attack

BeckerHospitalReview just posted a new wrinkle in the battle against ransomware: "Four patients filed a class action lawsuit against Tuscaloosa, Ala.-based DCH Health System, alleging ...
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The Good, the Better, and the Best in Information Security

Every day, there is news about the latest data breaches, phishing attacks, the number of records that were exposed, how organizations are not doing enough to protect themselves. All of ...
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Major Dutch University Still Fighting Ransomware Downtime; Expert Says Russian Hacker Group Responsible

Major Dutch Maastricht University was still trying to recover from a crippling cyber attack nearly a week after the university's computer systems were infected by ransomware. New ...
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Phishing in a Port

Among the ransomware that caused so much disruption in the latter half of 2019 was the strain known as Ryuk, and Ryuk has typically been spread by phishing. According to ZDNet, a recent ...
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[Heads-up] Ransomware attack forces Arkansas CEO to fire 300 employees days before Christmas

The chief executive officer of a telemarketing company in Sherwood, Arkansas has let go 300 employees after the company failed to recover from a ransomware infection a few months back.
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FBI Issues Alert For "Sleeper" LockerGoga and MegaCortex Ransomware

The FBI has issued a warning to private industry recipients to provide information and guidance on the LockerGoga and MegaCortex Ransomware.
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1000+ Schools Hit In October Alone By Still Active Ransomware Attack Wave

October was the first month we got some visibility on how the bad guys are now targeting school districts and students across the USA in a wave of new ransomware attacks. This attack is ...
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[NEW RISK] The MAZE Ransomware Gang Outs Their Victims On A Public Web Site

In a continuing escalation of its extortion tactics, independent security researcher, Brian Krebs reported on that the criminals behind the MAZE Ransomware gang just ...
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ReVil Ransomware Threatens to Squeeze Their Victims with Public Exposure of Data

The REvil Ransomware crew are getting ready to put more pressure on their ransomware victims to pay up by threatening to release data if the ransom isn't paid.
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New Ransomware Attack Reboots Systems into Safe Mode to Bypass Antivirus!

The latest strain of Snatch ransomware performs a devious task to ensure tools designed to protect against ransomware are nowhere to be found during encryption.
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Ransomware at Colorado IT Provider Affects 100+ Dental Offices

A Colorado company that specializes in providing IT services to dental offices suffered a ransomware attack this week that is disrupting operations for more than 100 dentistry practices, ...
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