Security Awareness Training Blog

Ransomware Blog

Keeping you updated on the latest ransomware attack vectors, strains, decryptors, families and trends to help you avoid becoming infected.

Cyberattacks on MSPs Grow Exponentially as the Focus Shifts to Hold Their Customer’s Data for Ransom

Recent insight from data protection vendor Datto puts MSPs on notices to secure their own environments to protect both their business and that of their customers.
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Ransomware Predicted to Cost $20 Billion in Damages Globally by 2021

As the state of ransomware attacks shift from simple data encryption scams to attacks intent on bringing an organization’s network to its’ knees, the cost of remediation is expected to ...
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Yet Another Utility Company Falls Victim to Ransomware Attack

The latest ransomware attack on yet another utility company echos the warnings from last year’s report on utilities’ readiness for a cyberattack.
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Stealthy 'Netwalker' Ransomware Using Windows Explorer And 'Art of Deception' To Infect Enterprise Networks

Researchers at Quick Heal Security Labs have discovered a new strain of the “Mailto” ransomware nicknamed “Netwalker" that uses the art of deception to evade detection. The new strain ...
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UK Telegraph: "Huge ransomware attack laid bare French lingerie firm"... And Bankrupted It

Leave it to the wordsmiths of the British Press to come up with a catchy title like this... However, the topic is dead serious.
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Ransomware Attack On Wool Industry Halted Sales Across Australia Last Week

It is yet to be seen how a cyber attack which shut down wool sales last week will affect growers in Tasmania. Last Tuesday Talman Software, which is used by the majority of wool industry ...
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[Heads-up] Ransomware Criminals Hack An Accounting Company And Cause A Data Breach For Their Customers

Last December, a ransomware infection of Albany, New York-based accounting firm BST & Co. CPAs LLC exposed the confidential data of their customers, causing a data breach for one of ...
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Ransomware Attack Leaves 43,000 Employees Without Email

The recent attack on facilities management company ISS has created a significant disruption in their operations, communication, and services worldwide.
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A U.S. Natural Gas Operator Shuts Down For 2 Days After A Phishing Attack Infects It With Ransomware

Dan Goodin at Ars Technica reported something worrisome: "A US-based natural gas facility shut down operations for two days after sustaining a ransomware infection that prevented ...
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Texas Ranks Second in Number of Ransomware Attacks on Health Care Organizations

According to new data from Comparitech, since 2016 Texas has experienced 14 ransomware attacks impacting a total of 483,000 patients, and costing as much as nearly $20 Million in damages.
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New Ransomware Variant Disables MSP Remote Management Processes To Evade Detection

Researchers at HuntressLabs “@Huntress” uploaded a YouTube video and commentary on their Twitter account that demonstrates a new variant of Ragnar Locker /Ragnar Locker Ransomware that ...
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Organizations Beware! Cyberattacks are Becoming More Prevalent, Hitting More Device OSes, and are Shifting Focus to You

The latest data from Malwarebyte’s annual State of Malware Report shows increases almost across the board, showing that the bad guys are stepping on the gas into 2020.
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One Pricy Hospital Bill: Ransomware Attack Costs Hospital $1 Million, Requiring Notice to Municipal Bond Holders

Most organizations think about the impact of a ransomware attack being limited to recovery, legal, PR, and perhaps paying the ransom. In this case bond holders could take a hit.
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Ransomware Attacks Increase 41 Percent as Cybercriminals Double-Down on Taking Your Money

New data from New Zealand security firm Emsisoft shows that more organizations are being successfully being attacked and held for ransom, putting operations at risk.
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[Heads-up] New Ransomware Strain Hijacks A Vulnerable Windows Driver To Turn Off Your Antivirus And Infect The Network

Security company Sophos warns of a new ransomware strain that uses a vulnerable driver in an attempt to break into a Windows system and then disable the running security software.
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Ransomware Attack Leaves Logistics Company with Disabled Systems, Manual Processes, and Customer Delays

The devastation after a ransomware attack on global logistics company Toll Group demonstrates the impact a simple ransomware attack can have on operations.
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Ransomware Takes its Toll

Ransomware is defined as vicious malware that locks users out of their devices or blocks access to files until a sum of money or ransom is paid. Ransomware attacks cause downtime, data ...
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EKANS Ransomware Attacks Focus on Disrupting Businesses Reliant Upon Industrial Control Systems

Leveraging knowledge of industrial control systems, this relatively new ransomware variant is looking to be as disruptive as possible to operations by killing processes and encrypting ...
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New DoppelPaymer Ransomware Makes Money Off of You Whether You Pay the Ransom or Not

Taking a page from the Maze ransomware playbook, the creators of DoppelPaymer don’t just encrypt your data; they have found channels to sell if it you don’t pay up.
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Law Firms Are the Latest Victims of Maze’s Ransomware and Extortion Attacks

With five law firms hit within just the last week, the Maze ransomware is making itself known and should be a warning to any and all legal firms that preventing an attack is paramount.
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