Security Awareness Training Blog

Phishing Blog

Learn about current phishing techniques, notable campaigns and attacks, what to watch out for 'in the wild', and more.

Omaha cast net that caught cyberthieves

Matthew Hansen, World-Herald Staff Writer just wrote a great article that illustrates what I have been warning about these last years. It starts out like this: "Imagine for a moment that ...
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2012 Doomsday Scam Continues to Serve up Doom, Giftcards

Chris Boyd over at GFI wrote: "If we survive the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012, does that mean we’re technically immortals? I’ve no idea, but it will probably mean we don’t see quite as many ...
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How to Start an IT Security Awareness Program

Mike Chapple is an IT professional and assistant professor of computer applications at the University of Notre Dame. He wrote at biztechmagazine:"Are your users aware of their ...
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Check Out This NY Traffic Ticket Phish!

Kevin Mitnick sent this phish over. It's a classic attempt to get you to avaid a problem, but the moment you click this link, life will become a lot more painful. So... Stop. Look. Think ...
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The Latest Anti-Phishing Working Group Report

This week, the new APWG Global Phishing Report is being today at the Anti-Phishing Working Group meeting in Prague. This report is published every six months, detailing how phishers are ...
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Bogus Olympics 2012 Email Warning Blindside Users With Malware

The upcoming London Olympics is undoubtedly one of the most highly-anticipated sports event of the year. It is also a favorite social engineering ploy among cybercriminals. Just recently, ...
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Scam Of The Week: 'The Evil Unsub'

An ordinary piece of spam slips through the filters, and you see a gorgeous sandy beach with palm trees. It's an enticing ad for a vacation to a tropical island, basically a big picture ...
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Six Steps To Successful Security Awareness Training

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Video: How a crimepack works

Cybercriminals are as organized and industrious as any legitimate business. Case in point: exploit kits, also known as crimepacks, which bad guys can purchase and which make infecting ...
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SMS-controlled Malware Hijacks Android Phones

Researchers at NQ Mobile, working alongside researchers at North Carolina State University, have discovered new Android malware that is controlled via SMS that can do a number of things ...
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Finally Defined: 'Advanced Persistent Threat'

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="650" caption="Advanced Persistent Threat"][/caption]
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Malicious Office documents target Mac OS X

Trendmicro reported: "We have recently analyzed a series of emails sent to specific users that leverage a certain prominent socio-political issue. One of these messages is about the ...
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Shield your business from cybercrooks

Anne Fisher, Editor of New York's Executive Inbox wrote: "Can you recognize a potentially disastrous breach of your computer system’s security when you see it? Let’s find out with two ...
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Look Ma, malware without files!

Wow, instead of an exploit dropping a file onto the file system and running it... a DLL is injected straight into memory from the exploit, leaving nothing to scan on the harddrive. Writen ...
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The Cridex malware trojan hides in fake LinkedIn invitations.

The Cridex malware trojan hides in fake LinkedIn invitations. Take care with those invites! GFI Labs recently discovered a LinkedIn email phishing scam that installs a banking trojan. It ...
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Its Tax Scam Season

Warn everyone that 'Tax Scam Season' is upon us, and that no one should respond to anything tax-related via email. The IRS does not use email or social media, don't fall for refund offers ...
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The Top 5 Executive Spear-phishing Scams

We recommend you copy and paste this section, and send it to your executive team, with a warning that they might be targeted with spear-phishing attacks. They need to 'Stop, Look, Think' ...
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Phishing, the New Sport for Teenage Cybercriminals

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Cybercrime: Getting Robbed Is Not What It Used To Be…

[caption id="attachment_1378" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Old Fashioned Robber"][/caption] Way back in your grand-pappy’s day (before cybercrime), a bank-robber or garden ...
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