Consumer Reports: 9.2 Million Phishing Victims Last Year


 Consumer Reports today came out with some numbers that should give you pause. 9.2 Million Americans fell victim to a phishing attack last year, and a whopping 58.2 Million had a malware infection on their PC. What they did not mention is that the majority of those infections are caused by social engineering attacks. The bad guys trick people into clicking on links which in turn infect the PC with malware.  Providing training to these end-users so they become aware of the criminal tactics of cybercrime could prevent a significant amount of these infections.

The new Kevin Mitnick Home Internet Security Course would be ideal to provide families with the knowledge to not get tricked by Internet scammers. Being trained on how to spot Internet crime helps you to not be the victim of Identity Theft, allows you to bank safely on line, and keeps your children safe on the internet. And here is an interesting question to end off with: what would you discuss with your kids first - safe sex or being safe online?

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