New Multi-Factor Authentication Prompt “Bombing” Attacks Give Access to Laptops, VPNs, and More

While multi-factor authentication (MFA) significantly reduces an organization’s threat surface by making the stealing of credentials much harder, a new attack takes advantage of phone ...
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Hovering Over Links Will Protect You More Than MFA

Microsoft Security recently released a report which detailed a widely successful phishing attack technique used against over 10,000 of its customers…a phishing attack that worked even if ...
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[On-Demand Webinar] Hacks That Bypass Multi-Factor Authentication and How to Make Your MFA Solution Phishing Resistant

The average person believes using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) makes them significantly less likely to be hacked. That is simply not true! Hackers can bypass 90-95% of MFA solutions ...
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Innovative Way to Bypass MFA Using Microsoft WebView2 Is Familiar Nevertheless

An interesting way to bypass multi-factor authentication (MFA) was recently announced by Bleeping Computer. This particular attack method requires a potential victim to be tricked into ...
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What About Password Manager Risks?

In KnowBe4’s new Password Policy ebook, What Your Password Policy Should Be, we recommend that all users use a password manager to create and use perfectly random passwords. A perfectly ...
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Microsoft is Leading the Way to a Password-Less Future

As we observe World Password Day to create awareness around the need for password security, Microsoft is looking for frictionless ways to eliminate passwords entirely.
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“Being Annoying” as a Social Engineering Approach

Attackers are spamming multifactor authentication (MFA) prompts in an attempt to irritate users into approving the login, Ars Technica reports. Both criminal and nation-state actors are ...
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Making Better Push-Based MFA

I used to be a huge fan of Push-Based Multifactor Authentication (MFA), but real-world use has shown that most of today’s most popular implementations are not sufficiently protective ...
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Scammers Use a Mix of Stolen Credentials, Inbox Rules, and a Rogue Outlook Client Install to Phish Internal and External Victims

Organizations that are not using Microsoft’s multi-factor authentication are finding themselves victims of credential attacks that involve threat actors installing Outlook on a controlled ...
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The 4 Things You Should Be Doing Right Now To Best Improve Your Cybersecurity

The key to really good cybersecurity is to concentrate on just 4 things. Master them first before you begin to try and do the other hundreds of things that everyone else is going to tell ...
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U.S. Government Says To Use Phishing-Resistant MFA

The U.S. government has been pushing people to avoid SMS- and voice call-based multi-factor authentication (MFA) for years, but their most recent warning is to avoid any MFA that is ...
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Hackers rob thousands of Coinbase customers using phishing attacks and an MFA flaw

Bleepingcomputer was first to report: "Crypto exchange Coinbase disclosed that a threat actor stole cryptocurrency from 6,000 customers after using a vulnerability to bypass the company's ...
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Can the Microsoft 365 Platform Be Trusted to Stop Security Breaches?

Lax security policies, a lack of security measures and solutions in place, and an expectation that Microsoft will address any security issues is putting organizations at risk.
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Cyber Insurance Industry Wrongly Hedging Its Bets on MFA

Because of ransomware attacks, I have been covering the cybersecurity insurance industry for a few years, including here. I even have a whole chapter dedicated to cybersecurity insurance ...
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Credential Stuffing in the Travel and Retail Sectors

The travel and retail sectors are the top targets for credential stuffing attacks, according to Auth0’s State of Secure Identity report. Credential stuffing is a type of brute-force ...
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New BEC Phishing Attack Steals Office 365 Credentials and Bypasses MFA

Leveraging Microsoft Exchange’s Basic Authentication support, scammers were able to use harvested online credentials and bypass any MFA in place, giving them access to mailboxes.
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Many Ways To Hack MFA

I have spent a lot of time thinking about how to hack multifactor authentication (MFA) solutions. I have done so my whole career, deploying dozens, if not hundreds, of MFA projects. Also, ...
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6 Advanced Email Phishing Attacks

No matter how good your policies and technical defenses are, some amount of phishing will get to your end users in a given month. They must be trained to recognize social engineering ...
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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly About MFA

I have been in computer security for over 34 years now. Yeah, even I cannot believe how long it has been. I have been a penetration tester over 20 of those years and worked on dozens of ...
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[On-Demand Webinar] Hacking Multifactor Authentication: An IT Pro’s Lessons Learned After Testing 150 MFA Products

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) can be a highly effective way to safeguard your organization’s data, but that doesn’t mean it’s unhackable. And nobody knows that better than ...
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